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Tag for discussions about C# (CSharp) or contain C# code.
How can I use netcoredbg to debug c# on Godot?
How do i use NoiseTexture2D for voxel world generation?
C# .pck Live Update on iOS
2 Issues, Subviewport Doesn't accept input, using subviewportcontainer it...
Fix signal issue on globals autoloaded c# code
How do i make all players visible on screens?
Casting an array of Nodes to Node2Ds
Error: GChandleristargetcollectible is null
AddThemeColorOverride can only be applied once?
My grenade starts to go up when i throw it.
Switching clips with AudioStreamInteractive
My nodes and scenes have been corrupted.
Adding custom descriptions to C# export variables
Detecting group of the raycast collider.
C# search code help
Godot gdscript sucks.
Rust and ecs on godot
C# get object type
Player only gets attacked when to the left of the enemy.
C# Type is converted to Godot.Variant when using Get() or Set() Methods.
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