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Spawn particle with random rotation?
How to blur background image in Godot?
Overriding bone pose while an animation is playing
Drag and drop script?
is_on_floor() always false after set_up_direction(1, 0) or (-1, 0)
3D Platformer
How do I move to a direction when attacking?
Variable within a function
How to Create a Procedural Map for a 3D Game?
[HELP] Severe Lag Spikes problem
A blind Godot noob. I need help understanding some concepts.
Lets introduce ourselves!
Noob Question: Make Ball Move With Platform
Why do nested resources behave this way?
My boss AI doesn't work as intended
Need help with camera
Unpaid Student Project: LF Godot Programmer, 3D Animator, Model Rigger, Writer
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