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All Discussions
Talo - an open source backend for managing players, leaderboards, stats + more
How to avoid atlas texture bleed over
Optimization Problem: Creating and Deleteing Lots of Objects
Changing default settings for node types
How to create rope/chain that you can climb, swing on?
Impossible to change the sprite picture
Moving in a grid, better method?
A reference to class method
Any way to pass a node property to a function?
MeshInstance3D randomly disappearing on transform changes.
Error while compiling editor with a module
Are there any "super-popular" godot games?
How can I fix my camera switcher?
A loop of messages about loading resources
ColorRect draws outside the its borders.
Coffee? COFFEE!!!!!!
Minesweeper example in Godot 4.3
godot 4.2 --> 4.3 update problem with volumetric lights
[Help] Pokemon-style Tile Movement Animation Issue in Godot 4.3
How does GDscript's compiler/Interpreter work ?
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