DJMaesen did you do it manually? or some auto retopo? Im always struggling with retopology..

    kuligs2 always manual retopo, gives u much more control
    autoretopo is for lazy people imo and doesnt give good results

    Depends, if you are dealing with a situation where throughput is needed... I wouldn't say it's lazy. Rather efficient. And even if you have to fix a few things here and there. Time saved is still time saved per model retopoed.

    6 days later

    ladders and swimming are now working
    thanks to a kind wizard 😉

      DJMaesen would be interesting if the char had the power move to lunge forward with both feet kicking the enemies
      Drop kick style

        kuligs2 lol maybe
        but im sticking to current abilities for the player, i fear scopecreep 😉

        • xyz replied to this.

          DJMaesen i fear scopecreep 😉

          Rightfully so. It's a very dangerous beast 😃

            xyz ill call the snipers in the game the scopecreepers (if i add a sniper enemie that is)

            10 days later

            wip 4
            added smg did some environment work

            Looks awesome! Maybe add a flashing light when firing the gun to simulate light from the muzzle flash, especially when firing the weapon in dark places. That would perhaps also add some subtle reflective light on the weapon itself. small details that could make a big impact.

            By the way, it would be awesome for this project to have an image in the first post. This way, people could vote for it to be featured. (it's used as a thumbnail and preview image)

              MikeCL yeah a pointlight for the muzzle is a good idea. should be an easy fix.
              ill add an image to the first post

                DJMaesen your assets look very well done.
                I know you put a lot of work on the water, but it looks a bit flat, try using some vertex shader to move vertices around. just give the water more polys and sample a b/w height texture on the vertex.y.
                VERTEX.y = texture(Displacement, wavesUV).r * DispAmount;

                  Jesusemora i kindof like the still water surface
                  its indeed simply a plane, but its no river or sea so im currently sticking to it like it is

                  kuligs2 Could try parallax occlusion mapping, but at glancing angles the effect breaks apart.

                  8 days later

                  im looking for collaborators
                  pm me if u r interesred
                  i can only offer revshare atm