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Latest engine news:
cross compiling godot for windows on linux with lto fails at linking stage
- TrainzMarcel replied
- ive been trying to cross compile an export template without 3d (to reduce export size) for windows on my linux machine but it always fails at the linking stage if i enable lto and i literally cant fin...
- W
_ready never called on inherited GDExtension node in Release x86_x64
- Haystack replied
- In this simple example, the _ready function will never be called on InheritedTest when the extension is compiled in Release x86_64 and is linking to I...
Why can't I get the player global position on my enemy code on _physics_process?
- renight0 replied
- Hello! I'm trying to set an enemy to follow my character but whenever I run the game I get "Invalid get index 'global_position' (on base: 'Nil'). error. No idea why. The player and the enemy are diffe...