- Edited
Megalomaniak "I won't post again till I finish at least 4 more new towers" wow that took a lot longer than I thought (about a month) and I've almost got 0.83 ready to upload.
"it's time to remove the ring of buttons from selected towers" -> I see what you mean Megalomaniak but I really don't want to burden my eyes with the combination of buttons and text both if I have already learned what the button does AND I want to respond to game events swiftly. I really value having the tower related buttons appear immediately and nearby. I'm confident the player will be much more careful after their first accidental tower sell. If more people bring this up though I might have to change something.
"Additional thoughts: The sewer pipe is too small" -> You are right, but instead of making it bigger I am just going to have some maps with multiple sewer pipes.
"The lives/heart should perhaps be changed to a calendar icon and the story could be that "You have been hired by The City™ to build and manage the new water treatment plant, you have X months. Good luck!"" -> I hate pixel art but I really enjoy it so far for the UI stuff. You nailed the story- you're indeed hired by the city to help you and the hearts I think are very easy to understand as "chances" or "mess ups" before termination similar to how early TDs had "lives."