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pegasusearl Yea it didn't fix it. I tested by replacing the terrain with godot's built in plane mesh with just one color.
I just got the result.
could it then be a rendering issue?
try exporting a single plane with nothing else and see what the performance looks like.
pegasusearl The other gridmap (obstacles) has more materials, more vertices, and more of them but it's very light.
The vehicles and platform combined also is more and they are moving.
the other thing I'm seeing is buffer shadows. buffer shadows work by rendering a depth buffer and then projecting it on the scene. so the scene is rendered twice.
you could try disabling shadows. if this works, replacing them with blobs could be a solution.
pegasusearl I'm not sure.
Each mesh type have it's own material (the setting is the same, only the texture are different). But for the terrain, even if they only use one material, performance didn't improve at all.For total maybe it's 11 terrain + 6 cars + 21 landmark + 11 obstacle (unwalkable part in the gridmap) + player + rare enemies
so above 55 materials.
you could create a version of the game where you remove all materials, then assign 2 or 3 to be able to see (so it's not all white). and see what performance looks like.
materials should be saved in a materials folder, if they are not, it would be a good idea to do it. when you add a material to the mesh or override, you are creating a new material that is tied to the scene.
pegasusearl I wish he can do that. We are at the mercy of qubicle and magica voxel, our artist can't model in blender. He doesn't even know what UVs are. And I also don't know how to combine these mesh to use 1 texture except with the help of TexturePacker3D.
mmm, those sound sketchy, but the model in your screenshot doesn't look bad.
you can take the textures, pack them in an image software like gimp or photoshop. then in blender you can combine the meshes with Ctrl+J, then select each of the meshes, scale the UV to a fraction and move it into its part in the atlas.
alternatively, in the mesh material you can assign the atlas and then move and scale the UVs in each material. this last one would mean using multiple materials, but reusing the same texture. (I honestly don't know how godot 3 handles gl_textures and materials)