I'm having trouble with line spacing in a leaderboard I'm making in a little 2D platformer game.

  • Toxe replied to this.
  • LambdaPod Do you have all the highscore names in one big multiline label with line breaks and then another big multiline label next to it with the scores? If that is the case then you should add one HBox for each highscore "line" that contains two labels, one for the name and one for the score. And then add ten of those HBox "lines".

    Also where do the black and gray stripes come from? Is that just a background image?

    LambdaPod You need to show more about your scene tree setup. What is behind those labels? What theme settings do you have? Any containers?

      Toxe This is the scene tree, I have a theme although that only changes the font.

      • Toxe replied to this.

        LambdaPod Do you have all the highscore names in one big multiline label with line breaks and then another big multiline label next to it with the scores? If that is the case then you should add one HBox for each highscore "line" that contains two labels, one for the name and one for the score. And then add ten of those HBox "lines".

        Also where do the black and gray stripes come from? Is that just a background image?

          Toxe Ok, thanks. Yeah the stripes are the BackgroundImage panel.