grimm_ So like in the old NES Zelda? Do you also want to scroll over to the next room or simply swap it?

I remember there being a HeartBeast tutorial recently about doing something like this.

    TheMidnightWolf the problem is... I'm a newbie, like, I started using godot last month and I know almost nothing about the program.
    how do I do it?

      Toxe and yes, is exactly like in the NES Zelda!

      Toxe not exactly the way I tought, but until then, it worked. gracias. 🤝❤️

      grimm_ it wouldn’t be complicated if each level was a different scene, but it may take some coding and trial and error to do a map like that

        TheMidnightWolf I was trying to make only one "map", but my knowledge level is quite poor. so I'm doing this way, tho.

        • Toxe replied to this.

          grimm_ I was trying to make only one "map", but my knowledge level is quite poor. so I'm doing this way, tho.

          May I ask why you want to have only one scene instead of going the probably easier route of making each screen its own scene? It seems like you are trying to make your life harder than it needs to be.

            Toxe well, I'm unexperienced. for me, it looked easier at first.
            I was thinking that changing the scene many times had a chance to make the game "laggy" or calling many commands maybe should crash, or be harder to do.
            as I said, idk what's the best for me, or my project. sorry. It's my first try at all. 😞

            • Toxe replied to this.

              grimm_ Ah, sure. In that case don't worry about it and experiment. Making mistakes and getting into problems is the best way to learn because it means you are pushing your boundaries. But don't worry about performance as long as you are still a beginner.

                Toxe sure thing, bro. well, I got more issues after all. XD
                but it's part of the work. thank you btw.

                  grimm_ you could always back your project up in a private github repo so you can always revert back if something breaks

                  • Toxe replied to this.

                    TheMidnightWolf For that you don't even need to push your code anywhere else. Just create a local repository and commit your changes. Now you can always go back to previous versions.

                      Toxe sometimes i just push the old files to a new folder inside the project, something like "old goodies".