I just give it a try and it is pretty good, it is like Sunblaze, as tough and annoying or frustrating 🙂

The big red screen at the beginning is pretty terrible and the wall behind the character may be closed, as seeing this big open corridor push me to go there and look for an escape 😛.

Also,loading time on windows looks a bit long.

For now it looks promising, looking forward to updates.

    JusTiCe8 Never player Sunblaze need to take a look at it 🙂 yea the menu is just a place holder, art and polish will come later right now the controls and the feel need to be perfect to move on. Is the loading at the begining longer or later? Tnx for play testing and feedback 🙂

    9 days later

    Thanks for sharing! I was really impressed by the visuals including level art, character art, and most of all that transition (somewhat like bubbles) effect. I would love to steal that most of all 😃. I don't tend to play this genre but I found it very intuitive and easy to pick up because you did an excellent job of showing the player how to play while letting them have full control.
    The blood on saw impact was an affront to my senses. IMHO there is either too much blood or not nearly enough. Why be neutral and bland when you could pick a side? Either go full family-friendly or paint the walls red. The amount of blood you chose tells me that this game is going to be generic and have nothing fun from either the kid-friendly or adult and dark themes.

      Galla Just tried it again (browser version). The right trigger with an xbox one controller did not work for the hook (I tried pressing all buttons but non of them worked for the hook) 🙁

      Galla Ok.. I downloaded the desktop version.. And there the hook worked with the xbox controller.. And I completed the entire demo! Great job! It was fun!

        using brave browser on windows 11 and getting the occasional random freeze-up. not sure what's causing it... seems to just happen whenever.

        aside from that though this feels like a retail game with how polished and well designed it is. if I didn't know it was a demo already, the only giveaway would be the extremely bare-bones main menu.

          MikeCL Im not sure what happens with that button on the web version 😂 feels less slippery? tnx for the feedback twice 🙂

          Started with polishing the demo a bit current Main Menu.

          Thank you for playtesting and the feedback 🙂 the frame freeze happens when i preload something (ghost effect after dashing) still looking how to fix it.

          that menu already looks way, way better!
          as to the gore, two things: it's odd that some of the traps kill you by teleporting you away and others do it by turning you into a bloody mess. I think one or the other would be better, both feels odd.
          second thing, if you want it to be over-the-top super meat boy esque (which this game reminds me of a lot actually) then you need bigger gore explosions. if you look at how meat boy dies there's a blood explosion that's twice the size of his actual body. in comparison the ones in your game look smaller than the character.

          edit: I will say though, with the sci-fi hyper robotic aesthetic you're going for the teleport effect feels more fitting.

            samuraidan Yes u are right i should stick to the theme its a sc-fi platformer. I will go with the explosion death type (when the rocket kills you) and maybe add some oil splatter. The spikes have the "default" death i was not sure what to do with the spike death animation.

            I agree that the blood splatter doesn't really fit the theme. I like how the robot turns into physical pieces on death, that's a cool detail. Maybe those pieces could get impaled on the spikes?

            6 days later

            Version 1.4.0 is out 🙂


            -changed the button for hook on the joystick with Sony-Triangle / Xbox- Y

            -if you start to hook and hold the button you will slow down time it should be now easier to hook

            • changed death animation to explode (there is no blood for now)

            -polished the tutorial should look a bit better (still not done)

            -Main Menu polish

            -added a bit of juice to the game

            -added joystick vibration for Windows and Linux version (sadly not working on web version)

            • fixed small bugs


            Hello, I have recorded my play session in video. I hope it is helpful 🙂

            I have created an open PlaySession in Playcocola:

            Anybody can use it to record a playtesting video, it is free, and not registration is required

            Disclaimer: I created the platform and it is in beta version as well 🙂

              d2clon Thank you for this it helps a lot 🙂 i will watch it probably 10 times to see what could be better. Some of the things are just place holders and will change, right now i only focus on the movement mechanics. Tnx for the feedback its really appreciated 🙂 any suggestions for the movement let me know.

              Video bug/error:
              Sometimes when i watch the video for a couple of minutes and i pause it and come back later (1-2 minutes) it freeze and i can not resume the video i need to exit the page and open the link again so i can watch it (watched on mobile) while on the pc i watch and do the same thing it starts the video from the beginning .

              I will play a little bit with the recorder and if its so easy and good can i recommend it on the itchio page ?

              Thanks for the feedback as well 🙂, I'll check this bug. As a work around you can download the video.

              And yes, I'm happy you recommend the tool. We're happy if it is helpful to you.

              d2clon Thank you it helps a lot 🙂 in a couple of days i will release 1.5 version and there will be a "show room / fun room" and I would love to see a video of that 🙂 if its easier for you we could talk over discord Galla#7641 / galla_1 . Have a nice day

              Edit: tested the video player and it resumes as expected 🙂