
  • Nov 2, 2023
  • Joined Aug 7, 2023
  • 1 best answer
  • 8Bit The sad news is that there is never only one good way of doing things. Everything has cons and pros. But this is the creative part of software development, isn't it? 🙂

    I would not try to implement the 50 versions of entities you need upfront. I would implement 2 or 3, put them in my game, and move to another area of the game and back and forth to see how one part interacts with the other. There are many chances that whatever version of your entity you end up with, even if after a lot of analysis, it will require changes at the end.

    • 8Bit replied to this.
    • I just came up on this channel, and I think your game fits perfectly on it. The streamer has this series called "X Games made in Godot to inspire you" ...

    • Awfy Would to have playtesters for my game so if anyone is interested, please let me know.

      I'm interested 🙂

    • A heads up of the movements that are up to happen regarding C# in Godot:

      Everything is very preliminary but looks like there is more attention growing about the C# support.

      • I don't find any video explaining the setup and examples of use cases. It would be very good for a non-knowledgeable person in state machines and behavior trees like me to understand if this module is something I could use in my projects.

        • Impressive. Are you the developer?

          • Tomcat I'm curious what the average age is here on the forum, but it seems to be a bit above 40.

            That is nice. It is nice to be around experienced people. Nothing against young people, we need their enthusiasm, energy, and, why not? arrogance. It is just that sometimes I feel like I am in another pace.

          • Hello, in my alter life I am a hobbyist indie dev. However, my background is in backed web development using mostly Ruby and Ruby on Rails. I love programming since I had my first computer (MSX) when I was 11. I am in my 40s now so I may be one of the seniors here around 🙂. Still love programming so I am putting some time on the side to enjoy making videogames.

            My main challenge now is understanding what makes a game enjoyable. I am very interested in Game Design, in the concept of fun.

            • 8Bit that Node3D would stay in place while the Rigidbody child node moves around (I actually have to try that). I don't think there's a technical disadvantage with that, but it... looked wrong to me somehow.

              Yep, it was also a bit confusing for me at the beginning. Now I am used to it 🙂. The root Node3D marks the origin of the Scene you are building. Once you put this Scene into another Scene (Main/Game/Level/...), it becomes a subScene of that Scene, with origin in that root Node3D. This root Node3D will remain static (or not) will its children move around.

              • 8Bit replied to this.
              • 8Bit StaticBody3D and Rigidbody3D always needs to be the root of the scenes

                I have not confirmed this but I think this assumption is not right, it will be very weird to me otherwise. You can have the root of your scene being a Node3D and attach different nodes to it as children, including StaticBody3D and others.

                • 8Bit replied to this.
                • I am in the same situation, still not able to make VSCode debug to work with Godot

                  • Awfy The goal is to make a difficult game, yes, but I do want to have some sort of balance between difficulty and fun

                    I understand that balancing the difficult properly on this game may be super challenging.

                    Awfy The fact that you had to stop at level 7 kinda torn me

                    You have to understand that, even if I am a hobbyist indie dev, I don't play many games. This one in particular has a very specific target, which I am not, "precision platformer" is called?. For example, I haven't played Celeste, I haven't even tried it 🙂, because I know I'm going to suck at it 🙂

                    So please, don't get my playtest session as a meter for the difficult of the game.

                    The fact I got stuck in the 7 level is actually a good thing. It makes me go out of the keyboard with a sweet frustration sensation, and with a willingness to come back with renovated energy, to try again 🙂.

                    Awfy but I'll only be able to do that if I have more playtesters (which is currently a bit of a problem for me)

                    Let's change that, I'll approach you by DM here

                    Awfy 'd love it if you could play the full version once it is out.

                    Buff, of course

                    Awfy The line will also insert "points" which show when you jumped and rolled, etc.

                    I see you are working on improving the line/path view. I am sure you will manage to make it as appealing as the rest of the aesthetics

                    You have a good game in your hands. It is now just a matter of building nice appealing levels and properly balancing the difficulty ramp. 🙂

                  • Hello, I played a part of the demo and I have to say I am very impressed with the quality of this project. I really can see it is going to be a hit. It has a super unique mechanic. The aesthetics, movements, and sounds are very nice.

                    I recorded the session with Playcocola:

                    Disclaimer: I am the creator of Playcocola, it is in beta. Looking to help indie devs with the playtesting 😉

                    • Galla tell me more about the "show room / fun room" 🙂. And tell me how can I help. I don't open discord very often... too distracting 😉

                      • Regarding the upgrade how-to documentation, I would like to praise how Rails does it. When I have to upgrade a project in Rails I never feel fear, because following this documentation has been always a holding hangs process.

                      • Is it super wearing to see how we are focusing on what is wrong in the critical thoughts. Cherry-picking sentences that we can nullify and focus only on that ones. It is not my intention to be right in what I say, it was not my intention to say "everything is right" in this article when I shared it here. My intention is: "Is there something here we can reflect on, and learn from?". And focus on this, ignoring the rest, or even expressing our gratitude that someone took so much time writing it and saying: "Hi, thanks for your thoughts, this and this we have been working on it already, on this I don't agree, can you extend?. This other is important and helped us to reflect, we will back to you".

                        duane If consoles are really your target [...] Free software cannot, by definition, address that.

                        I am not expecting Godot to have an "export to console" button in-house (for the reasons that have been mentioned). I am just expecting that a project created with Godot can be ported to the consoles, even if it is done by a third-party service, and that there is not any intrinsic technology dependency that makes this impractical. A good answer will be to see examples of Godot 4 projects successfully ported to consoles.

                        I am reading here, and I am not finding any example of a successful Godot 4 ported game (I see a show case in youtube but don't know if they are Godot 4). I read this though:

                        That being said, we support console porting for Godot 3 and 4, GDScript or C# (other lang support also possible). We might be even doing a port of a Godot 2 title soon, but we'll see 🙂

                        Also some notes about technical limitations:

                        You can use compute shaders if you like. All current platforms support it nowadays, but it might not be a good idea on the Switch as it would severely affect performance. This would require further assessment in order not to have problems later.

                        duane If consoles are really your target, not just a pie-in-the-sky goal, you should probably look elsewhere

                        I really hope this is not right. It may be, right now, "a pie-in-the-sky goal", but definitely I would love to have once a game in the Switch. And it is possible as shown in the show case above. But a lot of things have changed in Godot 4 and I would like to know if it is still doable in an affordable way, and what are the caveats.

                        duane You might also consider that these explanations are valid.

                        I do

                        duane I've never encountered a piece of software that actually stuck to their projected schedule

                        My neither (25+ years software architect experience, 8+ years CTO), believe me, I know this by heart. This doesn't undermine the importance of having one.

                        duane A road map for a project built by thousands of volunteers with different agendas would be guesswork at best

                        The fact that the project has thousands of volunteers with different agendas makes the importance of having a long-term road map even more important. It may be a guesswork but it makes common objective visible.

                        duane What "way" do you think we're defending?

                        The "we are doing everything totally right, God blesses us, and anyone showing a slight critique thought should be expelled when not burned to the ground" way.

                        duane Godot is just a collection of software, and the developers are just people who added to it. The actual software development is not as organized as a company, and you're going to be disappointed if you try to think of it like that.

                        I understand this. I am a very satisfied user of many open-source software, including Godot. The fact it is open source doesn't compete with a proper PR review organization. Of course, things can be leaking, it happens in all software projects, but I was curious about the infamous "inexperience-based" data structure decisions. That if they are true, they should be spotted by an experienced developer doing the code review. Again, this has been clarified.

                        Production ready for what?

                        We are fooling ourselves if we are ignoring the obvious flaws of Godot 4. We just have to take a look at the change log in 4.x versions.

                        If I was paranoid and didn't trust your stated motivation, I'd guess that either you were looking for someone to trash godot with you (not likely). Or you were padding your post count (meh). Or you wanted someone to show you a golden road to getting the problems you have with the engine fixed. (As far as I know, it doesn't exist.) Fortunately, I'm not that paranoid

                        Or you can just have a positive thought about my intention. I am a humble hobbyist (so far) indie developer who is very happy to have found Godot (almost 1 year ago, coming from 2 years with Unity), and who likes it a lot. And who is worried about the orientation may have been leaning towards, and who is interested to know if the community is healthy (humble and self-critique) and has a warm attitude towards newbies and that the decisions and the long-term goal resonates with me.

                        • DaveTheCoder The closest that I'm aware of is the Blog:
                          If that doesn't satisfy your definition of "road map",

                          Well, no, unless there is a specific post about the road map. What is in there are progress notifications and some notes about the immediate future but not a clear long-term route of path and direction.

                        • DaveTheCoder d2clon Does the author have a point regarding the use of nonoptimized structures in the core code?

                          Did you read the github issue I linked? It addresses that.

                          Fair enough clarification about this point. Cristal clear here.