B.0.T - Demo
Linux Build is done https://hollyeye.itch.io/bot/devlog/580643/linux-build
Very cool demo! I've played on linux on a controller and it overall worked great. Pressing down to slide on the controller doesn't work, but the dedicated button (RB) worked. All the cool stuff for a good platformer are there: solid feel, expressive mechanics, etc.
At first I had some troubles getting used to the movement, mainly on the wall. It was tricky to initiate wall running (it's a fun mechanic btw) and I expected that when I press dash when sliding on a wall I'd dash away from the wall (I think that's how it works in Hollow Knight and maybe Celeste), but it didn't do anything.
Those flying things that you can hook from could maybe give an indication on the direction that you will be launched in?
I also felt like the controls were a bit slippery for the amount of precision required on some levels (e.g., breaking distance longer than a platform on which you need to land).
And I also would expect those bouncing platforms to renew the dash, especially those on the ground, since it's kinda like touching the ground.
After I completed the demo I found the entrance to the first level and flew through the levels with ease, which was really fun! So the potential is definitely there!
For the future tutorial I'd give player more time to get used to mechanics before giving new ones, but I understand that you needed to cramp things in a short demo.
The art and especially animations and effects are also very good.
Please continue working on this!
Forgot to mention: I once got stuck in the "teleporter" I entered it from below and the animation played, but it didn't teleport me to the next level. I think I also couldn't move, but I'm not sure now.
LoipesMas Tnx for play testing and giving feedback its really appreciated . All bugs and visual suggestions are noted and will be fixed on the next updated. Could you elaborate what you mean with "breaking distance longer than a platform on which you need to land" im not sure what do you mean with that. To be honest i hate making tutorial levels ita hard to find the balance, need to rewatch the Celeste interview about level design. There is one more thing you could try when you get to the end of the demo and you jump and press V you will start flying its still in testing phase, try it if you find your self with some free time
. Again Tnx for the feedback and kind words
I just tried it on Windows (Edge browser)... What a cool game you got going! The game plays best with a gamepad IMO. But all the instructions were for the keyboard. I tried playing with the keyboard as well, but for me, it didn't feel as good. Then I got stuck and was forced to use the keyboard when I got to the levels with the "hook" thing. I wish I could play further with the gamepad.
And also the start screen... I could navigate the buttons, but I couldn't select any of them with the gamepad.
LoipesMas I also felt like the controls were a bit slippery for the amount of precision required on some levels
I also agree with this.
And also, great job with the presentation. Visuals look great!
Galla Sony-R2 and Xbox- RT buttons for hook it should work, let me know
It worked for me, but I had to try all the buttons to find that. You could add gamepad controls to the description.
Galla With slippery you mean its to fast sometimes or ?
I think it's mostly two things:
- when you, for example, dash in the air you are then moving at really high speed, so it can be hard to land on a relatively short platform
- when you are going fast on the ground, it takes about ~4 character widths to fully stop after you let go of the directions
Those things combined make it so that even if you manage to land on a platform, you still need to be quick to reverse the input to "brake", otherwise you will slide from the platform.
Maybe the running and dashing should be slower? And maybe also the character should stop faster (i.e., higher friction)? Then you could do more compact levels and they wouldn't feel as empty.
Galla There is one more thing you could try when you get to the end of the demo and you jump and press V you will start flying
Nice! I like how the character visually applies reverse thrust, by pointing their limbs forward, nice detail!
LoipesMas I think it's mostly two things:
when you, for example, dash in the air you are then moving at really high speed, so it can be hard to land on a relatively short platform
when you are going fast on the ground, it takes about 4 character widths to fully stop after you let go of the directionsThose things combined make it so that even if you manage to land on a platform, you still need to be quick to reverse the input to "brake", otherwise you will slide from the platform.
Maybe the running and dashing should be slower? And maybe also the character should stop faster (i.e., higher friction)? Then you could do more compact levels and they wouldn't feel as empty.
Yes i see what you mean and it makes sense. I will play with the numbers to get a better feel. Tnx
I just give it a try and it is pretty good, it is like Sunblaze, as tough and annoying or frustrating
The big red screen at the beginning is pretty terrible and the wall behind the character may be closed, as seeing this big open corridor push me to go there and look for an escape .
Also,loading time on windows looks a bit long.
For now it looks promising, looking forward to updates.
Version 1.3.0 Live
Thanks for sharing! I was really impressed by the visuals including level art, character art, and most of all that transition (somewhat like bubbles) effect. I would love to steal that most of all . I don't tend to play this genre but I found it very intuitive and easy to pick up because you did an excellent job of showing the player how to play while letting them have full control.
The blood on saw impact was an affront to my senses. IMHO there is either too much blood or not nearly enough. Why be neutral and bland when you could pick a side? Either go full family-friendly or paint the walls red. The amount of blood you chose tells me that this game is going to be generic and have nothing fun from either the kid-friendly or adult and dark themes.
using brave browser on windows 11 and getting the occasional random freeze-up. not sure what's causing it... seems to just happen whenever.
aside from that though this feels like a retail game with how polished and well designed it is. if I didn't know it was a demo already, the only giveaway would be the extremely bare-bones main menu.
- Edited
Erich_L Thank you for playtesting and the feedback it boost the motivation im trying to go something like Super Meat Boy gore but havent found any good directions how to achieve it. Any suggestions? Tips?
Link to the transition level effect:
Started with polishing the demo a bit current Main Menu.
Thank you for playtesting and the feedback the frame freeze happens when i preload something (ghost effect after dashing) still looking how to fix it.