Hello, crew. I've been using attempting to use Godot from time to time for the past few years but never really had the time to take a serious dive into learning Godot, yet never made a forum account since I mainly watch YouTube tutorials. I've lately been trying to focus on pushing myself to work towards my goal. People say to start with small basic games, but I feel like it would be more time productive for me to just work on my main project.
I always enjoyed video games since the days of SNES and Windows 95, but never imagined I'd be here since computer code was never my thing, but my life went full circle as I had to learn some code for GIS. When looking into ideas on what to do with Geography to build coding experience, I learned about how it can be useful for fantasy world building, which got me interested again in game design. ArcGIS also helped me get comfortable with Godot as they both have a similar layout. I'd ideally like to earn money from making games, but I hear how not everyone makes it. I'm optimistic I can at least make up for my lack of computer knowledge with story plots, character design, and game mechanics. I previously worked in a hunting and camping store since my area is mostly all retail and service jobs, so I'm stuck in the city at the moment. Poverty aside, I at least have a new laptop and internet, so I'm thankful for that. I'm also blessed to have a DSLR as another hobby of mine is photography.
I work alone out of a distrust of others, but I'm thinking of looking for a space simulator group to join. I like the old days of sci-fi designs such as Gundam, Mech Warrior, Wing Commander, X-Wing, and StarCraft. Plus I do have a fair amount of knowledge on real world military and science technology to back up any vehicle designs I make. Then my knowledge on astronomy and climate can help me build fictional star systems. My current game is completely unrelated and centers around psychics, magic, and spirits.