xyz So, here is what I've wrote, I tried to make it before then looking at your demo code so, I wouldn't be tempted to imitate it first. I noticed that your code seemed like it would just grab the top tile, regardless if there was a tile directly under it. So, what I tried to do was write something that would sort the top tiles, and also find if there were any tiles that were underneath with a gap between them.

I am still trying to make it fully accurate, it will get me the tiles that I want, but also there are certain cases where another tiles slips by that isn't actually not in the stack.

I'll keep working on it tomorrow, but thought I'd post it here.

extends GridMap

class CellData:
	var height: int
	var has_below: bool
	var is_below: CellData
	func _init(iheight: int, ihas_below: bool, iis_below: CellData) -> void:
		height = iheight
		has_below = ihas_below
		is_below = iis_below

var map_cells: Dictionary

func _ready() -> void:

func _get_map_cells() -> void:
	var sort_cells: Array[Array] = _sort_cells()
	for primary in sort_cells[0]:
		var add: = Vector2i(primary.x,primary.z)
		for secondary in sort_cells[1]:
			if not primary.x == secondary.x:
			if not primary.z == secondary.z:
			map_cells[add] =,true,,false,null))
		if not map_cells.get(add):
			map_cells[add] =,false,null)
	for cell in map_cells:
		if map_cells[cell].has_below:

func _sort_cells() -> Array[Array]:
	var used_cells = get_used_cells()
	var sorted: Array[Vector3i]
	var below: Array[Vector3i]
	#finds the top tiles of the gridmap, and potential tiles below others
	for first_cell in used_cells:
		var cell_test: Vector3i = first_cell
		for second_cell in used_cells:
			if first_cell == second_cell:
			if not first_cell.x == second_cell.x:
			if not first_cell.z == second_cell.z:
			if not first_cell.y < second_cell.y:
			if abs(first_cell.y - second_cell.y) > 1:
				if not below.has(first_cell):
			cell_test = second_cell
		if not sorted.has(cell_test):
	#finds only the cells in the below array that is below another tile, and not stacked
	for cell2 in below:
		var cell_below: = Vector3i.ZERO
		for cell1 in sorted:
			if not cell1.x == cell2.x:
			if not cell1.z == cell2.z:
			if not abs(cell1.y - cell2.y) > 1:
			cell_below = cell2
		if cell_below:
	return [sorted,below]
  • xyz replied to this.
    • Edited

    xRegnarokx No, I just used a single floor gridmap with hardcoded elevation.
    Make the simplest version first. Then upgrade and add finesse and complexity.

    In general, your code looks too complicated. It's also too deeply nested.

    Take a look at the demo to see how simple this actually can be. I just updated it with even simpler version, so download it again if you already did so previously. It's 15 lines of gridmap code and 35 lines of character code. That's all.

    • Edited

    xRegnarokx Oh, and if you want to get all top cells, it can also be done in a much simpler way. Simply iterate through all used cells and maintain a dictionary whose key is xz cell coordinate. Whenever you encounter the same xz coordinate, compare its y with the y in the dictionary and overwrite the value if the y is larger than what's already stored. At the end of iteration your dictionary values will be top cells:

    func _get_top_cells() -> Array:
    	var top_cells: Dictionary
    	for c in get_used_cells():
    		var c_xz = Vector2i(c.x, c.z)
    		if not top_cells.has(c_xz) or c.y > top_cells[c_xz].y:
    			top_cells[c_xz] = c
    	return top_cells.values() 

    This can also be easily extended to find whole stacks. Just store all cells with same xz in an array under the xz key and in the end sort each of those arrays by y:

    func _get_stacks() -> Dictionary:
    	var stacks: Dictionary
    	for c in get_used_cells():
    		var c_xz = Vector2i(c.x, c.z)
    		if not stacks.has(c_xz):
    			stacks[c_xz] = []
    	for s in stacks.values():
    		s.sort_custom(func(a, b): return a.y < b.y)
    	return stacks

      xyz Okay, I'll redownload the demo. Also, I'll work on implementing a more basic system, and as I develop and run into needs will tweak it.

      xyz So, I messed around with what you suggested with your most recent code. I got it working very simply, where it would return a dictionary of all the top most cells, so then I sought to tweak it and make it return the top most cells as long as they didn't have a block directly on top of them.

      Example a tower of 4 blocks, that was every other cell would return a dictionary of 4 coords at the same xz. However, it would be accessed by the xz coords and then they would be sorted by another dictionary holding their elevations.

      Here is the code, it is quite rough, and I am sure not up to snuff.

      extends GridMap
      var map_cells: Dictionary
      func _ready() -> void:
      	map_cells = _get_top_cells()
      func _get_top_cells() -> Dictionary:
      	var top_cells: Dictionary
      	for cells in get_used_cells():
      		var cell_coords: = Vector2i(cells.x,cells.z)
      		if not top_cells.has(cell_coords):
      			top_cells[cell_coords] = []
      	for x in top_cells.values():
      		x.sort_custom(func(a,b): return a.y > b.y)
      	return _get_moveable_cells(top_cells.values())
      func _get_moveable_cells(stack: Array) -> Dictionary:
      	var new_stack: Dictionary
      	for grp in stack:
      		var c: Vector3i = grp[0]
      		if grp.size() == 1:
      			new_stack[Vector2i(c.x,c.z)] = {c.y:c}
      		if grp.size() == 2:
      			if abs(c.y - grp[1].y) >= 2:
      				new_stack[Vector2i(c.x,c.z)] = {c.y:c,grp[1].y:grp[1]}
      			new_stack[Vector2i(c.x,c.z)] = {c.y:c}
      		if grp.size() > 2:
      			new_stack[Vector2i(c.x,c.z)] = _sort_elevation(grp)
      	return new_stack
      func _sort_elevation(grp: Array) -> Dictionary:
      	var sorted: Dictionary
      	var under: bool
      	for c in grp:
      		if grp.find(c) + 1 == grp.size():
      			return sorted
      		if abs(c.y - grp[grp.find(c) + 1].y) > 1:
      			if under:
      				under = false
      				sorted[grp[grp.find(c) + 1].y] = grp[grp.find(c) + 1]
      			sorted.merge({c.y:c,grp[grp.find(c) + 1].y:grp[grp.find(c) + 1]})
      		if sorted.get(c.y + 1):
      		sorted[c.y] = c
      		under = true
      	return sorted

      I am also going to do some research on how to better search/compare elements in an array, maybe I should more of pop elements out of a stack or something of the sort to search elements.

      Edit: I wonder if I could do something like this with slice as well? It isn't finished but I need to go to bed.

      func _sort_elevation(grp: Array) -> Dictionary:
      	var sorted_dict: Dictionary
      	var sorted: Array
      	var first:bool = true
      	for x in grp.size() - 1:
      		var slice = grp.slice(0,2)
      		if first:
      			if abs(slice.front().y - slice.back().y) > 1:
      			first = false
      		if abs(slice.front().y - slice.back().y) > 1:
      	return {}
      • xyz replied to this.
        • Edited

        xRegnarokx Again, way too much code. You could have just used my function that gets stacks. Since stacks are sorted by y, simply check if two last y coords in a stack are not adjacent or there's only one cell in a stack. If either is the case, you have a top cell with nothing underneath it:

        func _get_floating_top_cells() -> Array:
        	var stacks = _get_stacks().values()
        	stacks = stacks.filter( func(s): return s.size() == 1 or abs(s[-1].y - s[-2].y) > 1 )
        	return func(s): return s[-1] )
        • Edited

        xRegnarokx Oh, just realized you wanted all occupied cells that have space above them. Well that's even simpler. Iterate through all used cells and just check if the cell above is occupied:

        func _get_platform_cells() -> Array:
        	var platform_cells = []
        	for c in get_used_cells():
        		if get_cell_item(Vector3i(c.x, c.y + 1, c.z)) == -1:
        	return platform_cells

        Those could also easily be grouped in a dictionary with xz as a key. It's 2 additional lines of code.

        EDIT: Why do all of this though? In a 2.5D game like this there should be no holes in stacks. So simply throw an exception if a hole is found. And display a message that the map is not designed according to rules 🙂

          xyz Ahh that is right, you could just check if the cell above returns -1 and this is empty... duh...

          Well as far as why to do this, in my game eventually I want to have bridges and such or platforms that are above that you can walk under (like there are in Tibia). In 2D there are no actual gaps it's just rendering order.

          However, for 3D in 2.5D I assumed this was the best way to do that.

          • xyz replied to this.
            • Edited

            xRegnarokx You're again trying to make a complex system before you made a simple system.

            • Edited

            xRegnarokx Here's a version of demo that can have holes. All tiles are now same sized cubes. It can handle any number of "bridges" one on top of another.
            This is 15 additional lines of code compared to previous version. 60 lines in total in the whole project.


              xyz Cool, thanks, I'll try and implement just that movement. Then I'll slowly add things to it such as other units moving, and detecting/setting occupation of tiles, ect... Thank you so much!

              Edit: So, using your code I created a simple movement, and am working with it to understand it better. I did tweak it, and am planning on implementing obstacles to test it out, here is my occupied changing that I added.

              func update_occupied(from: Vector2i,to: Vector2i,from_elevation: int, to_elevation: int) -> void:
              	for cf in map_data[from]:
              		if not cf.elevation == from_elevation:
              		cf.occupied = false
              	for ct in map_data[to]:
              		if not ct.elevation == to_elevation:
              		ct.occupied = true
              • xyz replied to this.
                • Edited

                xRegnarokx Remember that the most important thing is figuring out the best fitting data structure(s) for the problem you want to solve. Doing so can simplify/shorten your code by the order of magnitude. Conversely, choosing inappropriate structure(s) can turn your code into a mess.

                Time to yet again inject that timeless Fred Brooks piece of wisdom:

                xRegnarokx Cool, thanks, I'll try and implement just that movement. Then I'll slowly add things to it such as other units moving, and detecting/setting occupation of tiles, ect... Thank you so much!

                Note that adding other moving units to a system like this is trivial because movement only happens in respect to map data, and is instant. Only the visual representation shows (fake) gradual transition. So when you need to move the unit to some cell, just check if no other unit has its map position at that cell. If that's true, you can safely move it there.

                xRegnarokx For completeness, here's the version with the player and arbitrary number of npcs, all moving and respecting cell occupancy of each other. As I already mentioned, this is trivial to add if you store your map/cell data in a proper structure.

                We're now at 90 lines of code in total.
                gridmap - 20 LOC
                character base class - 50 LOC
                player - 10 LOC
                npc - 10 LOC


                  xyz You definitely make it look easy haha, I have a long way to go to learn how to think through implementation and such.

                  • xyz replied to this.
                    7 days later

                    xyz Thanks for giving me a launching pad, I have been expanding what you suggested to implement things like stairs/slopes that you can mount and normal blocks that you can't. So, rather than any block at a certain elevation, I've made it that there are certain mountable blocks, that you can mount, or descend from (following same 1 elevation difference principle) however, if you aren't on a mountable block, or moving to a mountable block you can't move to a higher or lower elevation.

                    I think I'll close this question for the moment since I think you sufficiently answered my original question.

                    I'll work on pushing objects and other movement types now, such as dashing to fleshout my movement system.

                    • xyz replied to this.
                      • Edited

                      xRegnarokx Pushable objects should be treated in the similar way NPCs are. So again, they'd be relatively easy to implement.