So, I have a method of moving in a grid, I can post tomorrow if people want to see. However, I recently switched to making my 2D game in 3D, and 3D is infinitely more difficult then 2D. At least when you don't want just free movement aided by physics engine.
Currently I use move_and_slide along with raycast to move my character around, while snapping and having a timed system to prevent the character from moving more than the desired grid distance. This has many flows and creates potential nightmares once there are multiple bodies moving around.
So, is there an easier or at least more intuitive way to implement grid movement in 3d? I thought about implementing a basic navigation system, where all tiles on the gridmap are stored as keys in a dictionary and their class cell is stored which holds an array of up to 4 moveable directions around them.
I guess 3D is a lot harder for me to implement clean movement code in a grid. Tempted to abandon grid movement, but that changes my game feel/design a lot.