hello everyone i have been working on a mobile game for a while and testing it out on my my on smartphone recently i wanted to try testing it on another mobile so i tried my friends phone and sure enough the its not working and i cant tell the problem

for some reason the text and buttons are off screen
the settings i used were:
viewport size: 1920 x 1080
strech mode : viewport ( i aslo tried canvas item no luck)
strech aspect : strech

    What happens if you run the game in the Godot Editor, and drag the lower right corner of the game window to change its dimensions? Can you replicate the results?

      Folivora your controls are probably setup wrong.
      you have to use Container nodes so that Control nodes are automatically resized when the resolution changes.
      the first node of the UI should be set to "full rect", and you have to use VBoxContainers and HBoxContainers inside each other.

        Folivora this is a feature of ALL Control nodes. Control nodes are any node that is inherited from control. you can recognize them because they have green icons.

        ALL elements in an UI should be Controls. I've seen people mixing sprite2Ds with controls and placing elements by hand, that is a sure way of running into problems when the resolution is changed.

        for the title you show, I would have a VBoxContainer and add 3 MarginContainer children to change size or just normal Controls, anything to add the space around the buttons.
        the buttons would then be children of the MarginContainers/Controls.

         | -> MarginContainer
         |       |-> Button (XIPHOS)
         | -> MarginContainer
         |       |-> Button (PLAY)
         | -> MarginContainer
         |       |-> Button (EXIT)

        and then a theme to adjust the margin container borders, one for play/exit and a variant for xiphos

        with controls it would look like this:

         | -> Control
         |       |-> Button (XIPHOS)
         | -> Control
         |       |-> Button (PLAY)
         | -> Control
         |       |-> Button (EXIT)

        and in each Control you have to set a minimum size, and then set a minimum size for the buttons and center them. this method does not require a theme but I can't guarantee that it will work completely.

        there is also the expand tag in Control that would make the Control's automatically expand to even sizes inside the Container, but all this needs some testing and tweaking.

        there are probably many other ways to do it, the UI system in godot is very powerful, but you need to learn how to use it. I would go and watch a tutorial on the godot UI.


        If control nodes were the issue, wouldn't that show up in the change-dimensions test I suggested a few replies ago?

          DaveTheCoder it's either that or a problem with the phone not rendering.
          but we don't know what the menu is made out of, and the background is visible.