award I was looking for someone asking the same question, I would describe myself as an intermediate programmer with bad fundamentals so I mostly ask questions I don't use the Godot reddit because is filled with "super beginners" and spam posts about the godot's logo, for some reason these people can't sleep at night thinking about the logo xD.
I prefer this forums UI and categories over the UI but I much prefer their search functionality it even search related post based on your tittle while writting the post, that's very useful to stop beginners from spamming the same questions, heck even for me.
If it is a small question I used to ask in the discord, but I don't like the sensation of being washed away by the other users like if I was lost in the ocean. I recently learned people can make threads like forum's post in there too, the community is spread so thin...
My questions are a bit more involved so most people are not willing to give up their time like that, understandable, but I see it as a numbers game and spreading Godot's small community thin makes it feel like there's less chances someone may reply to your post, and I feel filthy copy pasting the same post on 3 different websites.
On a side note, I had a bad experience with this forum because one or two of my post dissapeared because of a server issue never to be seen again, not a huge problem for me, but could happen to someone bigger. But I have to say in this forum I've had really good and involved answers, thanks everyone.