I have a simple script that sets the camera position to the player position. this works alright, but I want to make a space the camera will not pass until the player has passed it, making an illusion of segmented areas. I can't figure out how, and any help would be appreciated!

  • xyz replied to this.

    AmongPro6800 Maintain a flag variable that determines if camera is following the player or just standing still. Set the flag as needed when entering/leaving the area.

    how can i make it snap to the next area? I want to only be able to see one section at a time.

      AmongPro6800 You can place Area2D node at the transition zone and detect if player entered it. When that happens, send a signal to camera to move to the next position.

      okay that makes sense. thanks for the help.

      AmongPro6800 Without knowing much about your current setup probably something like getting notified if the player entered a new section and then reposition the camera to for example the center of the new section.