Hello, this is my first post so take it easy.
I got some problems that I dont know how to solve.
Starting from the very beggining.
I have 2 scenes, one is just a test world as seem below:

And my player scene also seem below:

Here is the thing, there is 2 cameras attached to the 3d model, first and third person, at first my player code was just one single script with somewhere around 150 lines doing basically player control, camera control, etc. When told to make things simple by putting a FPS script into the FPS cam, TPS script to TPS and so on my code just broke and only boots up in FPS mode without player control.
I also have no idea how to instance what I've already got and to control the player and camera from different scripts.
extends Node3D
@onready var player = load("res://scene/player.tscn")
func _ready() -> void:
func _process(delta: float) -> void:
#instance player.tscn here
How am I supposed to make player scene get all this info?