A lot of my models - if not all of them - were FBXs. I would purchase them as such... but now that the support for FBX is gone, is there a way to convert the models to another format, or something?
FBX is no longer supported?
Nerdzmasterz but now that the support for FBX is gone, is there a way to convert the models to another format, or something?
I must have missed something. When did Godot stop supporting FBX?
And you can convert it classically — through Blender.
So import FBX, then export DAE or something?
Yeah, I was shocked to see a notice on this in Godot 4.
Generally glTF is the recommended format. Godot supports importing FBX files, by automatic conversion through an external program called FBX2glTF.
Here is more info: https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/assets_pipeline/importing_scenes.html#importing-3d-scenes
So you can either add that program and continue using FBX files, or manually convert FBX files to other formats (glTF, DAE or OBJ)
Yeah, indeed, I apologize. I installed FBX2glTF right away and forgot it was an external program.