Danimal what i have in mind is ARPG, dungeon crawler, looter, 3rd person, multiplayer PVP, PVE type game, game that is playable both with mouse and keyboar and controller.. All the details are still worked on. I still have long long ways to learn how to do it all in many disciplines - art, sound, game engine..
Ever since i played MU - Online 0.99c + 0.98b items, i got hooked on the loot. It was so satisfying when a bless or soul dropped (jewel). I want to recreate that nostalgic feeling, but with a different spin. Not like MMORPG where you have to grind. More like daily game that you can play for few hours per day or somehting.. DO some dungeon runs, get nice drops, challenge players, etc..
Kinda want to recreate that Mordhau experience too.
Maybe it will take 8 years to make (like concord), and maybe, it will be fun to play it (not like concord) 😃.
Promising anything or hyping up the project at the stage where i dont have anything is a foolish. 🙂