- Edited
Time for my question that I will likely figure out the stupid answer to right after I post it.
I am making an ambient sound event that will increase in volume the closer the player gets to it. I figure out where the player is, do the math for where the event is, and go from there. Got it coded and working.... in the wrong direction. I am sure I am missing something obvious here. (I am using abs to make positive values) The tree to the event is simple enough: area 2d with a collision shape 2d and an audio stream player. Oh, and if the player hits the area, it goes to max (assigned) volume.
In a nutshell: the farther the player is, the quieter the sound should be. (I also have minimum and maximum levels as barriers to prevent weird spiking/nadirs.)
Sorry for posting longer code here - I need a fresh set of eyes.
extends Area2D
var _minVolume = -24.0
var _maxVolume = 6.0
onready var _sound = $AudioStreamPlayer2D
func _ready():
_sound.volume_db = _minVolume
func _process(_delta):
var _currentVolume = _sound.volume_db
var _player = get_parent().get_node("Lydia")
var _playerDistance = _player.global_position.x
var _soundPosition = self.global_position.x
var _sumDistance = abs((_soundPosition - _playerDistance)/16)
if _playerDistance == _soundPosition:
_sound.volume_db = _maxVolume
if _playerDistance != _soundPosition:
_sound.volume_db = -24.0+(_sumDistance)
if _currentVolume > _maxVolume:
_sound.volume_db = _maxVolume
if _currentVolume < _minVolume:
_sound.volume_db = _minVolume