Megalomaniak How old is that now? The last time I saw it, my church youth pastor showed it to me and a bunch of other kids in 2014.
I can't remember the first time I saw it. A lot like rain and sunshine, it's always been there without a real beginning.

    packrat The shortcut for Blender that bothers me the most is the one that kind of segments your object. Forget what you call it, but the shortcut is control_r. I do that a lot, it seems like anyone would, but it's an awkward shortcut. Most of the others are fine but they must have run out for that one.

      fire7side Ah, loop cut. Weird they would make you test the webbing between your fingers to loop cut. I haven't met a single avid blender fan who doesn't use that tool at least 87 times per project.

      Huh, the frame time plot says one thing but my instinct says another: that does not seem like it's really 60 fps somehow...but maybe that's just how the game renders on any gpu. I haven't really purchased and played the new metro myself.

      Edit: nvm I get the same sense from Control. Either it's the GPU or it's just the capture method having that effect. For reference, Doom gave a solid-60-fps-no-problem sense. But as we know Doom runs solid on a toaster, and a pregnancy test.

      It's the video capture. It looks silky smooth on the system, except for Watch Dogs Legion, which was just under 60 fps. It was also converted multiple times, from the recording, from the editing, and then recompressed on YouTube. So it's not exactly a perfect rendition.

      So the footage was smooth on the recording, but I messed something up with I encoded the video while editing. Here is a new video of Metro Exodus that should be a lot better quality.

      Megalomaniak Yeah, that's much better. The vsync had something to do with it?

      No, I had the bitrate settings wrong. Looked good on the original recording, but didn't work after editing.

      I did some forum theme overrides to make things a little nicer:

      • Fixed the overly large size gaps in the "Help/Contact" page
      • On larger screens, the horizontal space is better utilized (phone/small screens have not changed)
      • Removed or reduced the gaps between posts
      • Removed the forced minimum post size (I.E small posts with just a bit of text taking a bunch of space)
      • Reduced text padding a bit to fit more text in a smaller area.
      • Images are bigger (thanks to less padding) but are restricted to a maximum of 800px in height.

      Nice job. I can tell it was made for 16:9 screens, as I have a 21:9 screen and it is very wide. But I can live with it.

        Words can't describe the ecstasy I'm feeling from a little less padding. I love it.
        cybereality I had no clue 21:9 was a thing.

        Mine is ultrawide. They even make super ultrawide, which is 32:9.

          cybereality "They" seem like overachievers. Stuff like this is totally foreign to me. My tastes in video game stuff is best described as "inexpensive".

          Finally got around to loading 4.0 Beta3 to see if it's in a usable state yet

          . . . . Might leave it a bit longer hey ^^

          In all seriousness, I can see it's getting there and some very promising features/improvements have me super hyped for ~ 4.3 (roughly when 3.x was truly solid). 3D performance improvements alone have me drooling, but it's far easier to break than some YouTubers would have you believe. Feel like they're not actually digging into anything seriously as I broke volumetric and GI effects real quick lol.
          I'm going to keep playing despite the oddities/crashes, but it's kinda a hard sell to invest time in it right now when I feel like I've figured out most of the 3.X quirks and generally love it.

          Yeah, I mean it's technically a Beta, but I would consider it Alpha quality. Even basic stuff like the Control + A to make a new node works only like 30% of the time, tabbing to different input boxes in the inspector is half working, dragging sliders is half working. Not really usable. Graphics are nice, and some cool new features, but it's nowhere close to production ready. I think 4.1 will be good, but we could be waiting a year or more. I'm still going to keep messing with it, so I can report bugs and have them be fixed. And I might make some quick demos and stuff for fun. But I wouldn't use it for a serious project at this point.