I got the white one with gun and knob controllers bundle. No problem getting it in Australia, looks more like a scifi prop. 🙂

It was awesome in HalfLife 2. But the Frictional Games ports of Penumbra Overture and Black Plague were the real showcases. Not only could you feel the weight of objects in the world, you could actually feel the bump maps of the textures, like the direction of wood grain on a table!

Sadly not much use outside of those games.

Apparently when my mom worked in the IRS they called the num pad the 9-key. Or 10 key. Doesn't that sound cool? Actually I can barely remember what she says at any time.

    I'd believe it, modern keyboards without a numpad are called TKLs: Tenkeyless. 🙂

    Then there's 65% keyboards, which is Cyber's one. Then 60%, which don't even have the arrow keys.

    cybereality Could get one of those standalone numpads then. Maybe the best of both worlds so-to-speak.

    You know a forum has gone to next level bonding when pictures of our temples to isolation go up XD.

      The numbers for blender on the top of the keyboard are different from the numpad. You can shift from vertex, edge, and face with the 1,2,3 at the top of the keyboard. You change view ports with the numpad. For some games I program the numpad keys because I'm left handed and need my mouse in that hand. The only controller I have is a Logitech controller that looks like a Microsoft game controller. I don't play that many action games.

        A place of seclusion (figuring out an algorithm), of devotion (hack it in), of despair (debugging), of prayer (searching the internet if someone else has found a solution) 😎

        fire7side Blender is absolutely the main reason I love tenkeys. The other is the end and home keys are pretty cool where they are on it. I do a metric ton of typing and I grew up with those keys there, so my pinky instinctively goes there rather than the mouse. The mouse isn't even an option in a lot of terminal emulators.
        Tenkeys is a cooler name than numpad

          Megalomaniak uh yeah sure if that makes us friends. if not, maybe we can all bond over how pesky my cat-at is when it gets on my keyboard. <3

            Erich_L uh yeah sure if that makes us friends.

            No, I can appreciate the FoS reference, but I was never into superman. The he-man meme song tho, yeah that does. 👍

              Megalomaniak How old is that now? The last time I saw it, my church youth pastor showed it to me and a bunch of other kids in 2014.
              I can't remember the first time I saw it. A lot like rain and sunshine, it's always been there without a real beginning.

                packrat The shortcut for Blender that bothers me the most is the one that kind of segments your object. Forget what you call it, but the shortcut is control_r. I do that a lot, it seems like anyone would, but it's an awkward shortcut. Most of the others are fine but they must have run out for that one.

                  fire7side Ah, loop cut. Weird they would make you test the webbing between your fingers to loop cut. I haven't met a single avid blender fan who doesn't use that tool at least 87 times per project.

                  Huh, the frame time plot says one thing but my instinct says another: that does not seem like it's really 60 fps somehow...but maybe that's just how the game renders on any gpu. I haven't really purchased and played the new metro myself.

                  Edit: nvm I get the same sense from Control. Either it's the GPU or it's just the capture method having that effect. For reference, Doom gave a solid-60-fps-no-problem sense. But as we know Doom runs solid on a toaster, and a pregnancy test.

                  It's the video capture. It looks silky smooth on the system, except for Watch Dogs Legion, which was just under 60 fps. It was also converted multiple times, from the recording, from the editing, and then recompressed on YouTube. So it's not exactly a perfect rendition.