Tomkun Maintain a list of tile coords that need to get visible. In _use_tile_data_runtime_update()
check if the passed coord is in that list. If yes pop it from the list and return true. Otherwise return false.
In _tile_data_runtime_update()
use the coords you get to get the data from hidden layer and set that data to received TileData
How can I hide tiles until they are in the line of sight of the player?
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Wow, that was fast!
Here's what I have so far:
extends TileMapLayer
@onready var hiddenfloorlayer: TileMapLayer = $"../HiddenFloors"
func _reveal_tile(collision_point: Vector2i):
var tile_pos = hiddenfloorlayer.local_to_map(collision_point)
var tile_id = hiddenfloorlayer.get_cell_source_id(tile_pos)
var tile_data = hiddenfloorlayer.get_cell_tile_data(tile_pos)
if tile_data:
func _use_tile_data_runtime_update(coords: Vector2i) -> bool:
if coords:
return true
return false
func _tile_data_runtime_update(coords: Vector2i, tile_data: TileData) -> void:
At the moment it's just printing the coords out, but is that on the right lines?
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Tomkun _use_tile_data_runtime_update()
and _tile_data_runtime_update()
are callbacks that the engine calls. Like _process()
or _input()
. You just need to implement them. They're not supposed to be called by your code. You may not even need those here. Try doing just set_cell()
from _reveal_tile()
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Okay, I'll try that.
How can setcell() copy one cell to another tilemaplayer though?
Never mind, I found out how. There isn't a direct copy it seems but you can extract all the info you need for setcell() with different functions and use them.
However, unfortunately it seems like I am out of luck here.
I am using BetterTerrain to place my tiles and I can't seem to reproduce them faithfully as their rotation and mirroring are randomised and I can't find a way to duplicate that.
Thank you for all your help though. I have learned a lot!
Tomkun How about this instead. Make the full version of the map completely visible. Put an additional tile map layer over that. Fill this layer with full square tiles in a background color, effectively masking what's underneath. As you progress, just delete those mask cells for the cells in the map that have been revealed.
Yes, that would work but I have a background texture.
Basically, my dungeon is supposed to look like it was sketched on paper, so there is a background paper texture.
If I could duplicate that on the top layer and make sections transparent, that could work but I'm not sure if that's possible to do.
Tomkun Hm, apparently the common canvas item children clipping doesn't work with tilemaps. You can render it into a separate viewport and use that viewport texture as an alpha mask. Alternatively you can slap your background texture over the tilemap by using a simple custom shader that draws the texture.
I think custom shaders are going to be a little advanced for me. I'm struggling as is. I will give the viewport idea a go.
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Tomkun But wait. There's a simple way still using _tile_data_runtime_update()
with just the original map. Maintain a list of invisible cell coordinates. Return true from _use_tile_data_runtime_update()
if received coord is in that list. In _tile_data_runtime_update()
simply set tile_data.modulate.a
to 0.
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Tomkun Example:
extends TileMapLayer
var invisibles: Array[Vector2i]
func _ready():
for i in 5:
func _use_tile_data_runtime_update(coords):
return coords in invisibles
func _tile_data_runtime_update(coords, tile_data):
tile_data.modulate.a = 0
With this you can even animate fading in of the tiles as they become visible.
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Tomkun The engine calls them. You just provide the code and the return value. Same as _process()
which engine calls each frame. "Virtual" here only means that the function body is optional to implement by the user.
Whenever the engine is about to draw a cell, it will call your _use_tile_data_runtime_update
and if it gets true
as the return value, it will call your _tile_data_runtime_update()
passing it a reference to that cell's tile data. You can alter that data and that's what it will be used for drawing the cell.
It's done like this so that updating is kept efficient i.e. it's only done for cells that really need it.
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Okay, I think I get it.
So tile_data.modulate.a = 0 will make the cell invisible and I assume tile_data.modulate.a = 1 or 255 will make it visible again?
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Oh, I see, so if the tile is removed from the list, then it will become visible automatically?
No, that's not working... The tiles are being removed from the list but aren't becoming visible again.
Forget it, I was being dumb again.
Great news!
Thanks to you, it's working (kind of)! I still need to iron out some kinks in my raycasting I think, but tiles are appearing now!
Which part?
I got the raycasting working, but I'm still not happy with the algorithm I'm using to decide which tiles to reveal.
The code that reveals the tiles is basically exactly what you wrote:
extends TileMapLayer
var invisibletiles: Array[Vector2i]
@onready var hero = $"../../Hero"
func reveal_tile(collisionpoint: Vector2):
var coords = self.local_to_map(collisionpoint)
var herocoords = self.local_to_map(hero.position)
var x_start = min(herocoords.x, coords.x)
var x_end = max(herocoords.x, coords.x)
var y_start = min(herocoords.y, coords.y)
var y_end = max(herocoords.y, coords.y)
for x in range(x_start,x_end + 1):
for y in range(y_start,y_end + 1):
if Vector2i(x,y) in invisibletiles:
func _ready():
func _use_tile_data_runtime_update(coords):
if coords in invisibletiles: return true
else: return false
func _tile_data_runtime_update(coords, tile_data):
if coords in invisibletiles:
tile_data.modulate.a = 0