xyz the tiles are inside a dictionary... Each Lnum corresponds to a layer

var layers = {
	'Lnum': [ {} ]

Once they are drawn on the editor screen i dont know how to fetch them ?
In the plugIN editor window ( right side ) when iam grabbing tiles from the image, iam using this:

mouse_tex = ImageTexture.create_from_image(texture.get_image().get_region( absRect ) );

Iam copying a region of the image.
Then breaking it into pieces once the user presses or moves the mouse

	if ( Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) && mouseJustPress == false ):
		for i in range(0, drawText.get_image().get_size().x,32 ):
			for j in range(0,  drawText.get_image().get_size().y, 32):
				mouseGroup.Fnum.append(  { "cords": Vector2(i, j), "img": ImageTexture.create_from_image(drawText.get_image().get_region( Rect2( i, j, 32, 32) ) ) } );
	if ( ! Input.is_mouse_button_pressed(MOUSE_BUTTON_LEFT) && mouseJustPress == true ):
		mouseJustPress = false;
		eraseCheck = true;

I dont know how to fecth tiles from a dictionary, and i dont think its possible they are all scattered.

The mouse icon is the image region, and its the order in witch the tiles must drawn.
Once they are drawn in the editor

func _draw():
	for p in range(0, layerMax ):
		for i in layers.Lnum[p]:
			if ( layers.Lnum[p].has(i) ):
				draw_texture( layers.Lnum[p][i], i );

i can delete them or replace them using the dictionary key.

  • xyz replied to this.

    jonSS Looks like you're severely misguided here. What do you hold inside those arrays for each dictionary entry? What are those tiles represented by? They should normally be represented by coordinates and your selection box should be a bounding box. Then you iterate through your tiles and select those whose coordinates fall inside your selection bounding box.

    Viewport snapshots have no business here.

      xyz, That looks easy, but i will need another dictionary/array to display those tiles on the mouse icon... This way i only need to display an image... And the problems would start to pile....
      How would i flip/rotate and entire array of tiles ? An image ( mouse icon ) its less complicated.

      The final result when running the game the tiles are converted to 1 big image.
      The tiles in the editor also need to be converted to 1 big image, then broken into pieces:

      I need that in the editor to add special effects like blur, or pixelatte for far backGrounds and foreGrounds ( Hollow Knight ) its something noONe will ever be able to do in the current 2Dgodot4 tileSet

      this is basically a drawing program, like photoshop... it just breaks the images into tiles ( pieces ).
      I know using viewPorts would be easier, but i wanted to get this one working frist before starting to improving on a new one.

      • xyz replied to this.

        jonSS You still haven't answered what data you hold in the array/dictionary per each tile.

        Judging from this question and your previous question that got disrupted by DaveTheCopyPaster's meltdown over my AI remark, it looks like you have some fundamental lack of of understanding of how arrays and dictionaries actually work, and how to effectively utilize them to store, manage and process your data. Both of those questions are actually the infamous XY problem questions where you got stuck in a wrong alley with your attempted solution instead of describing the actual problem you need to solve.

        Imo you might be getting a little bit ahead of yourself by attempting to write a plugin before having developed some solid intuition on how to aptly juggle arrays and dicts.

          xyz No... i hate working with dictionaries and arrays in this situation, and i wish i didnt had to do this...
          the dictionary values ive showed it above... I cant really rebember anymore but i will try...

          I had to make "Lnum" an array so i could use multiple layers:
          Lnum[0]: layer 0
          Lnum[1]: layer 1
          and so on...

          "Lnum" adds more values( layers[] ) right at the beginning, This is done in the inpector plugIN, with the itemList

          	var listSize = itmListLayer.get_item_count();
          	for n in range( listSize-1 ):
          		if ( PlugTileDrawNode.layers.Lnum.size() <  listSize  ):
          			PlugTileDrawNode.layers.Lnum.append( {} ); 

          it looks like this:
          var layers = {
          'Lnum': [ {},{},{} ] # itemList has 3 items

          the dictionary inside the array: Holds the vector2 coordinates ( its the key "cords" ) and the value ( "img" ) its a 32x32 image.
          The dictionary is being filled on 1 go ( 1 mouse click )

          		for i in range(0, drawText.get_image().get_size().x,32 ):
          			for j in range(0,  drawText.get_image().get_size().y, 32):
          				mouseGroup.Fnum.append(  { "cords": Vector2(i, j), "img": ImageTexture.create_from_image(drawText.get_image().get_region( Rect2( i, j, 32, 32) ) ) } )

          Its very dificult to understand but that last part "img": its the value inside the dictionary

          print( layers.Lnum );
          [{ (128, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369173520790977>, (128, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369173470459328>, (128, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369173420127679>, (128, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369173369796030>, (128, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369173319464381>, (160, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369172816147891>, (160, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369172765816242>, (160, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369172715484593>, (160, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369172665152944>, (160, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369172614821295>, (192, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369172111504805>, (192, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369172061173156>, (192, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369172010841507>, (192, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369171960509858>, (192, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369171910178209>, (224, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369171406861719>, (224, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369171356530070>, (224, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369171306198421>, (224, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369171255866772>, (224, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369171205535123>, (128, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369173269132732>, (128, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369173218801083>, (128, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369173168469434>, (160, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369172564489646>, (160, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369172514157997>, (160, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369172463826348>, (192, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369171859846560>, (192, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369171809514911>, (192, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369171759183262>, (224, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369171155203474>, (224, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369171104871825>, (224, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369171054540176>, (64, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369174930077374>, (64, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369174879745615>, (64, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369174829413972>, (64, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369174779082323>, (64, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369174728750674>, (64, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369174678419025>, (64, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369174628087643>, (64, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369174577755723>, (64, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369174527424361>, (64, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369174477092308>, (64, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369174426760659>, (64, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369174376429010>, (64, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369174326097361>, (64, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369174275765712>, (96, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369174225434063>, (96, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369174175102414>, (96, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369174124770765>, (96, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369174074439116>, (96, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369174024107467>, (96, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369173973775818>, (96, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369173923444169>, (96, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369173873112520>, (96, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369173822780871>, (96, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369173772449222>, (96, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369173722117573>, (96, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369173671785924>, (96, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369173621454275>, (96, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369173571122626>, (128, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369173118137785>, (128, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369173067806136>, (128, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369173017474487>, (128, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369172967142838>, (128, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369172916811189>, (128, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369172866479540>, (160, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369172413494699>, (160, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369172363163050>, (160, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369172312831401>, (160, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369172262499752>, (160, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369172212168103>, (160, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369172161836454>, (192, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369171708851613>, (192, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369171658519964>, (192, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369171608188315>, (192, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369171557856666>, (192, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369171507525017>, (192, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369171457193368>, (224, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369171004208527>, (224, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369170953876878>, (224, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369170903545229>, (224, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369170853213580>, (224, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369170802881931>, (224, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369170752550282>, (256, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369170702218633>, (256, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369170651886984>, (256, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369170601555335>, (256, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369170551223686>, (256, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369170500892037>, (256, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369170450560388>, (256, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369170400228739>, (256, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369170349897090>, (256, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369170299565441>, (256, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369170249233792>, (256, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369170198902143>, (256, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369170148570494>, (256, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369170098238845>, (256, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369170047907196>, (288, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369169997575547>, (288, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369169947243898>, (288, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369169896912249>, (288, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369169846580600>, (288, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369169796248951>, (288, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369169745917302>, (288, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369169695585653>, (288, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369169645254004>, (288, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369169594922355>, (288, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369169544590706>, (288, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369169494259057>, (288, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369169443927408>, (288, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369169393595759>, (288, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369169343264110>, (320, 96): <ImageTexture#-9223369169292932461>, (320, 128): <ImageTexture#-9223369169242600812>, (320, 160): <ImageTexture#-9223369169192269163>, (320, 192): <ImageTexture#-9223369169141937514>, (320, 224): <ImageTexture#-9223369169091605865>, (320, 256): <ImageTexture#-9223369169041274216>, (320, 288): <ImageTexture#-9223369168990942567>, (320, 320): <ImageTexture#-9223369168940610918>, (320, 352): <ImageTexture#-9223369168890279269>, (320, 384): <ImageTexture#-9223369168839947620>, (320, 416): <ImageTexture#-9223369168789615971>, (320, 448): <ImageTexture#-9223369168739284322>, (320, 480): <ImageTexture#-9223369168688952673>, (320, 512): <ImageTexture#-9223369168638621024> }, **{ }, { }**] layers 1 and 2 are empty i frogot to drawn something on them before making the print

          I couldnt get this working any other way, by just using tiles i would not be able to add effects like Blur... Its has simple has in photoshop: You blur the image 50%, save it to png, open the image again and select pieces(32x32) of that image, and each piece transforms into a brush.. Then you draw with that brush.

          • xyz replied to this.

            jonSS TileMap should be able to handle this. If you don't want to use it for whatever reason then you need to maintain your own data structure that works like a tile map. When you want to export the whole thing, use that data structure to blit all individual tile images stored in your custom "tile map" onto their proper positions in a big output image.

              xyz Iam not sure, do you think blit could group all the " Lnum " textures regions into one image... I cant understand whats writen in manual ( i think noone has ever used the blit functions )

              This could be done more easly by using the viewPort in the editor.
              I just dont know why in this case he always goes for the camera ? And camera coordinates ?
              If i want to take an image region of the editor viewPort. I have to drag the camera to x/y Zero and set the zoom to 100%.

              Isnt there a viewPortContainer in the editor, that has a camera that has a child viewPort ?
              cause of all the tries:

              SelctImg = get_viewport().get_texture().get_image().get_region( SelctRect );
              SelctImg = EditorInterface.get_editor_viewport_2d().get_texture().get_image().get_region( SelctRect );

              I cant get whats draw in the viewPort without the camera in the way...

              • xyz replied to this.

                jonSS That's not how things work.

                The only thing you can get from the main viewport are the literal pixels you see on the screen. There's no other data stored there. If something is "drawn" out of the screen, it gets clipped away. It doesn't exist for retrieval. If your view is zoomed, you get pixels of the zoomed image, etc... The main viewport is not a "viewport container" for some larger viewport that magically stores everything you draw at its maximal size.

                So if you want to reconstruct a full image of all existing tiles in your map, you'll have to maintain your own tilemap-like data structure that holds coordinates of all "drawn" tiles and references to their original image data, and then blit original image pixels into your final exported image. You can't retrieve that from just what's drawn on the screen, except in rare situations where everything you need is contained within the screen and zoomed exactly 1:1.

                Since Godot's TileMap maintains precisely such data structure (among other things), it's be best to just use that instead of reinventing the wheel by making your own clunkier version of it. Especially if you're not well versed in using and combining common data structures.

                  xyz Then how would you convert the godot4 tileMap to a png image, or any other " .get_texture().get_image() "
                  The godot 4 tileMap doesnt work very well with blur/pixelatte shaders. To work it needs to be inside a viewPort.
                  Wont the same problem accour if trying to copy the entire tileMap on screen has an image ?

                  • xyz replied to this.

                    jonSS The real question is why would you want to convert the entire tilemap to a single image. It doesn't make sense because the whole purpose of tilemaps is precisely to avoid dealing with large images by breaking them down into pieces. If you want to render a blurred tilemap - use a post processing blur shader. It should work equally well with whatever is on the screen.

                      xyz theres more options, in doing it this way...
                      like for example change the mouse image color/effects etc... It works like a brush in photoshop.
                      I tried and i cant get the colors right in a normal tileMap i would have to draw the same wall tiles multiple times, for each diferent color.
                      ( not the color of the entire tileMap, the tiles in the mouse icon )

                      • xyz replied to this.

                        jonSS theres more options, in doing it this way...

                        "This way" meaning what exactly?

                          xyz Having 1 image in the mouse icon that you manipulate like a brush.
                          like ex:
                          change color,
                          use a shader on it,
                          transform size,
                          etc... Everything you do on photoshop with a pencil.

                          The tileMap in godot 3.5 was one of the best it seems... And the one in godot4 only got flip/rotate at end of 3 years...
                          Ask the guys who made those tileSet's to add this option's in their tileMaps. ( Iam sure they re gonna love it. )
                          Make an improvement proposal on github with little hearts and kisses... lol

                          • xyz replied to this.

                            jonSS Having 1 image in the mouse icon that you manipulate like a brush.
                            like ex:
                            change color,
                            use a shader on it,
                            transform size,
                            etc... Everything you do on photoshop with a pencil.

                            You can do all this with sprites. Having all that stuff in a tilemap would make it much less optimized, and in fact it would become so generalized that that you couldn't call it a tilemap any more. The whole point of tilemaps is to trade limitations for optimizations.

                              xyz I know... But its easier for me to draw the levels this way, and faster
                              Photoshop doesnt give me the option to draw with tileMaps this way... At least i dont know how to get it working on photoshop. And the user doesnt have to switch between programs.

                              plus... using blur shaders and color shaders on the gd4 tileMap takes a lot of effort, and apllying it to the brush ( mouse tiles ) is not possible.

                              • xyz replied to this.

                                jonSS Not sure I understand what exactly you're trying to achieve with all this. Maybe give some visual examples.

                                  xyz Ive already did, multiple times... There's not much i can do ?
                                  I have the 1st working example on github. ( still havent upLoad the one with working layers and inspector menus, but theres not much of a diference )

                                  The script, that is were he gets the image that its on the mouse icon.
                                  the script that is were the "Lnum" is being made. He breaks that image into tiles and draws them on screen... The dictionary keys arent always increasing.. If 1 key "coords" is for example ( 96,160 ) , and the user presses on mouse in those same "coords" ( 96,160 ) the image is replace... Just like adding a value with the same "key" to a normal dictionary...

                                  Ive made a global script, " res://addons/tiledrawtest2/ " and theres a lot of confusion in there, because i didnt knew how plugINs would work... But its easly fixed i just have to start a new one, once i figured out this editor viewport problem.

                                  • xyz replied to this.

                                    jonSS No, I meant some existing game example that shows what you want to do.

                                    If you want to make your custom tile map system with features that are not covered by Godot's TileMap node you'll likely need to go gdextension route and implement it as a new node type. Tilemaps typically need a lot of brute force iteration over cells which is best done in native code for performance reasons.

                                    In principle, it's doable in a way I described earlier. You'll need a custom cell data struct that holds all relevant data for a cell (position, texture, rotation, scale, modulate, effects etc), and then store a list of such data structs for all populated cells. Manipulate data in this list to achieve what you need. You'll also have to maintain additional similarly structured list for a selection/brush if you want to paint with cell "brushes" consisting of multiple cells or do copy-paste like operations.

                                    For exporting the whole map as a single image, you'll need to rasterize/blit cells into a big output bitmap. For small maps it can be done by the gpu rendering but if total size exceeds the maximal size of the hardware texture (which is quite likely to happen), you'll have to rasterize "manually" on the cpu, or break it down into multiple images that don't exceed gpu size limit.

                                    It's all about handling data; structs, arrays, dicts. Nothing of use happens in a computer without those guys.

                                      xyz I cant do it that way... Just for the colors its an almost infinite number.
                                      In the node plugIN "tileDraw" the tiles dont exists... They only exist when they are drawn on to editor.

                                      For me... To do such a thing in a normal tileMap would be the same has having the same tilesheet 30x 50x times, for each 30x 50x diferent color.
                                      I understand the way you are explaining... add an extra field in the dataBase, apart from "coords" , " img " , another for "color" , " shader " etc...

                                      But its very limited... It leads to the same problem the tileMap in gd4 is having... And was having before when the flip/rotate was being added.

                                      In my tileMap the tiles come from the image on the mouse icon ( that is an imageRegion, from the entire image on the dock ), once the user presses the mouse, the tiles are added/replace on the "Lnum" list and are drawn on the screen...

                                      I cant have limitations, like make a normal tileMap and keep increasing the dictionary list, ( lets say that for example someone would want to add a water or ripple shader )

                                      The plugIN that i have its working fine... The only thing missing is to add buttons to change the ( mouse icon image ) color/blur/pixelatte...etc...

                                      The only problem iam having is giving the user the oportunity to copy an image region on to the mouse icon from the editor viewPort....
                                      This is the only thing that is not working, and i cant get it... Other than that its works perfectly fine, and i bet that is much faster than the current gd4 tileMap... And any other tileMap ever made... Mine its not a tileMap, its TileDraw, its diferent... maybe i should name it "drawSquares" or "drawShapes" ?!?

                                      Com'on i just need a way to get that thing that its on the editor viewport ( the image )

                                      • xyz replied to this.

                                        jonSS I understand the way you are explaining...

                                        I don't think you do.

                                        jonSS Com'on i just need a way to get that thing on the editor viewport

                                        As I said, that's not how things work. Although it may look to you from your perspective that it's "just" this little thing, to do what you want a lot things need to be handled quite differently under the hood.