Danimal make the enemy a rogue scion of an imperial family that failed in his/her throne takeover and is on the run. He/she arrives from very afar at the systems owned by your state, obliterates all space defenses (due to technological superiority but with small numbers) and starts with light plundering initially (not just your planet, but many systems at the same time) to outrigth conquest.
That sounds a bit cliche, not that mine isn't. Like the story of Char's revenge, or Battetech's clan wars. I think there's enough space medievalism in mecha, although my idea was also based on mecha anime.
Danimal And as they become more desperate by the mounting resistance, lack of resources and retribution army coming after them, intensifies pressure and goes outright crazy, ordering orbital strikes, deploying bioweapons and other future war crimes;
was going to do that anyways, the player doesn't just fight giant robots, but I'm going to throw in some monsters too. When there's no one to control the powerful, they have no reason to "act honorably", they have no need for a justification, and it really sends the message that they are the bad guys.
Like in X-COM, there will be terror missions where you protect the cities, recovery missions against landed ships, base attacks, base defense, and some other objectives.
Danimal also add some goverment traitors for plot twists. You can tell the story little by little by using tv war emisions from your state of how other planets are getting conquered, or suffering big attacks.
the problem with this is it adds a lot of work to do, like cinematics. I'm planning on telling the story through some dialog system and messages to start, maybe if there's time there will be an opening cinematic of some sort.
I though about other planets, but I can't imagine how that could be handled, you go from having one planet to having to monitor others, and that could make the gameplay slower.
Danimal Final objective could be like all Xcoms to take down their mothership.
For the final mission I was thinking of some fight in space against a fleet. like in Char's revenge (sigh).
Danimal Because what conqueror gives their prey the chance to grow strong little by little instead of crushing them swiftly unless having very small numbers or being outstreched?, in which case they wouldn´t attack at all.
the kind that underestimates their enemies.
Tomcat Danimal Without going political, it´s best to stick to fiction.
Let's not talk politics. But it was you who started talking about the scenario not being realistic enough.
Danimal (which is a bit plain and overused imo)
I only pointed out the factual errors and tried to argue that the author's original scenario is quite realistic.
Danimal would rather not see any paralels in mah videogames.
Games (tales, novels, movies etc.) always are reflections of the real world.
please do not draw parallels between my game's story and the various wars going on at the moment, that was not the intention.
I think I should post a more detailed synopsis, because "planet that defends itself against empire" is very vague, but it's still in work and prone to changes:
It takes place on an Earth like planet that has been settled for 400 years. It has been isolated from the struggles between the Galactic Alliance and the Conglomerate by being in an unimportant sector of space.
One day the Conglomerate sends a small army to conker the planet, they defeat the defense forces using superior technology, enslave the population, and start building strange machines. They maintain control of the planet though fear, with mechs scattered across the planet and covering the mayor cities.
But one mistake results in a combat mech being misplaced and ending up in the hands of the resistance.
The first mission will be one mech against other 2, and 4 mechs that were in storage will be captured.
In the second mission the enemy realizes that the resistance obtained mechs and recalls their entire army of 10-20 mechs to protect their HQ while they wait for reinforcements, The player will have 4-6 mechs.
After this battle the planet ends up in the hands of the resistance and you get to build the first base, and get to keep whatever survived the battle.
Again, this can all be changed at any point, and it needs more work.
the idea is to have the player start from zero and with very few resources and having to research the technology and capture enemy weapons and mechs until they can develop their own.
I made some progress on the first mech, now it has arms. I need to make some weapons.