TheRealFame Jesusemora How far are you into the project? 🤔, If you don't mind me asking.. Could you provide assistance over here? I'm trying to make a turn based battle system as well!
I'll take a look at your other post, but making games is hard, there are many moving parts that interact with each other while being independent from each other.
In my case I used almost every trick I knew: state machines, signals, classes, encapsulation, pathfinding algorithms and other algorithms, databases, AI and more.
It's not something that is done overnight nor something that can be explained in a single comment. You have to be specific, and I have to try to remember or look back at the code of how I did things, because in such a big projects you have to act like you are different people, and each time you work in a different part of the code and expect the rest to work without having to think about it.
And also, I'm currently in 3D artist mode, I'm not thinking about code much.
Danimal For the sizes you will be dealing with the first/last one is the best, you are wasting your time making very detailed models for small hardware that will go unnoticed.
there are close ups, and I don't think it's that detailed. At least not compared to mechs in other games.
Danimal Being exagerated when making weapons proportions is very commonly used, the new Xcom is a good example; I doubt
I could lift even some of smallest ones if they were that size in real life..
Well these are the SMALL cannons 😆 . with the modular weapon system it will be possible to swap them around before deployment.
I admit, the medium one looks not as big, but that's because it didn't fit in the slot otherwise.
There will be 3 weapon slots: small, medium and big. Here's a list of the planed weapons.
Small slot:
Small cannon
Small missile x1
Medium missile x1
Small plasma
Small pulse cannon
Medium slot:
Miniguns (plural)
Flamethrowers (plural)
Twin linked small cannon x2
Medium cannon
Medium LASER
Small missile battery x8
Medium missile battery x2
Medium plasma
Medium pulse cannon
Big slot:
Ion cannon
Wave motion cannon
Graviton beam
Large cannon
Small missile battery x32
Medium missile battery x8
Large missile x2
Large plasma
Large pulse cannon
Some might get cut, new ones might be added, but this is the plan.
I made some progress with exporting to godot. Each part uses a different material, so far I made the chest, but it's missing some color and maybe it needs fewer sharp angles, this is what it looks like so far:
All the parts are UV wrapped already so I can just create the textures in blender and don't have to export the mesh again.