- Edited
here is my real-Life scenery project that is too huge for me. :-)
It's the dam "Hochablass" near Lake "Kuhsee" in Augsburg.
Free Project Download (Godot 4.3):
ca. 850mb
(Sometimes Godot crashes on first opening.)
It's my first try in Godot of an old Blender project.
- movable sluices, doors etc.
- playable BasketBall field.
- playable VolleyBall field with a nice NPC-Girl.
- playable PingPong-Game
The idea is to implement minigames, Kayak etc.
Combination and adaption of cool work of others:
- Terrain3d
- ProtonScatter (modified path tool to be able to insert new nodes between nodes)
- Volumetric clouds version 2
- Day-Night Cycle with textured moon and real star-sky rotating around Polaris.
This uses "Stylized Sky" (for correct movement of sun and moon) and a NASA skymap (converted to Cubemap for rotation) - Star Constellation figures (again NASA skymap (converted to Cubemap for rotation)
Some more Credits:
animated human models: TriZeta
static human models: Reallusion
Trees and rabbit from https://github.com/Lakshman-YT/Forest-Godot4
More Trees converted from the free object collection of Sweethome3d
WASD: move
Shift: faster
Space: jump
E: use
F: Flashlight
Ctrl + MouseWheel: Zoom
Ctrl + Middle_Mouse_Button: Reset Zoom
Arrow Keys Left/Right: Advance Daytime
BasketBall, VolleyBall:
RMB: grab Ball
LMB: shoot Ball
MouseWheel: Throw-Force
Middle_Mouse_Button: Reset Throw-Force
At PingPong-Table:
11 points win
A Game must be won by 2 points.
(if you win a game, opponent gets stronger)
Left-MB: Begin
Mouse Left/Right: Racket Left/Right
S: Leave Table
Mouse Sensitivity:
MouseWheel Up/Down: in-/decrease Sensitivity
Middle-MB: reset
Hitting the Ball:
Position of Ball/Racket sets shoot direction (= save, Ball will always hit the Table)
at the moment of impact move the mouse fast
Left or right: spin left/right
up: stronger hit (=faster Ball 1x)
down: soft hit (=slow down game)
(trying Spins has the risk of missing the Ball or Table)
Dam Lamps:
Toggle Lights: L
Toggle Shadows: K
SDFGI On/Off: i
Menu: ESC
FullScreen/Windowed: Enter