here is my real-Life scenery project that is too huge for me. :-)
It's the dam "Hochablass" near Lake "Kuhsee" in Augsburg.
Free Project Download (Godot 4.3):
ca. 850mb

(Sometimes Godot crashes on first opening.)

It's my first try in Godot of an old Blender project.


  • movable sluices, doors etc.
  • playable BasketBall field.
  • playable VolleyBall field with a nice NPC-Girl.
  • playable PingPong-Game
    The idea is to implement minigames, Kayak etc.

Combination and adaption of cool work of others:

  • Terrain3d
  • ProtonScatter (modified path tool to be able to insert new nodes between nodes)
  • Volumetric clouds version 2
  • Day-Night Cycle with textured moon and real star-sky rotating around Polaris.
    This uses "Stylized Sky" (for correct movement of sun and moon) and a NASA skymap (converted to Cubemap for rotation)
  • Star Constellation figures (again NASA skymap (converted to Cubemap for rotation)

Some more Credits:
animated human models: TriZeta
static human models: Reallusion
Trees and rabbit from https://github.com/Lakshman-YT/Forest-Godot4
More Trees converted from the free object collection of Sweethome3d

WASD: move
Shift: faster
Space: jump
E: use
F: Flashlight

Ctrl + MouseWheel: Zoom
Ctrl + Middle_Mouse_Button: Reset Zoom

Arrow Keys Left/Right: Advance Daytime

BasketBall, VolleyBall:
RMB: grab Ball
LMB: shoot Ball
MouseWheel: Throw-Force
Middle_Mouse_Button: Reset Throw-Force

At PingPong-Table:
11 points win
A Game must be won by 2 points.
(if you win a game, opponent gets stronger)

    Left-MB:            Begin
    Mouse Left/Right:   Racket Left/Right
    S:                  Leave Table

Mouse Sensitivity:
   MouseWheel Up/Down:    in-/decrease Sensitivity
   Middle-MB:             reset 

Hitting the Ball:    
    Position of Ball/Racket sets shoot direction   (= save, Ball will always hit the Table)
        at the moment of impact move the mouse fast
        Left or right: spin left/right
        up: stronger hit (=faster Ball 1x) 
        down: soft hit (=slow down game) 
    (trying Spins has the risk of missing the Ball or Table) 

Dam Lamps:
Toggle Lights: L
Toggle Shadows: K

SDFGI On/Off: i

Menu: ESC
FullScreen/Windowed: Enter

    musikai Free Project Download (Godot 4.2):
    ca. 850mb

    It looks extremely interesting, but unfortunately requires Google registration to access the download. Is it possible to download it without registration?

    Is it possible to post a link to your project in the thread with a selection of Godot demo scenes?

      Tomcat Oh, forgot to set free rights. Should work now without login.
      And yes, feel free to share. (great collection!)

        musikai Should work now without login.

        Thank you so much!! 🎉 I will download and study it as soon as possible (just want to sleep this night). This is very relevant to me, as it has a lot in common with my project. Now I see that, in principle, such a thing can be realized in a workable form. A little upsetting FPS. Can I know on which GPU the recording was made?

          Tomcat Nvidia Geforce GTX 750 Ti. I have to export to an executable. Running from inside Editor is even worse.
          In the video I turned on sdfgi for nicer water (key: i).
          In windowed mode it generally starts with 35-60fps and slows down later.
          Would love to see performance on other systems.

            Great demo, very helpful! 👏

            musikai Would love to see performance on other systems.

            I got it like this (First seconds of the game):

            1️⃣ Workstation

            CPU Intel Xeon W-2245
            RAM 256 Gb
            GPU NVIDIA Quadro RTX 5000; 16 Gb
            Monitor 2560 x 1440; 240 Hz
            OS Microsoft Windows 11 Professional Workstation (x64)


            Click to reveal Click to hide

            Project FPS: 200 (5.00 mspf)
            Project FPS: 300 (3.33 mspf)
            Project FPS: 301 (3.32 mspf)
            Project FPS: 286 (3.49 mspf)
            Project FPS: 244 (4.09 mspf)
            Project FPS: 188 (5.31 mspf)
            Project FPS: 223 (4.48 mspf)
            Project FPS: 235 (4.25 mspf)
            Project FPS: 242 (4.13 mspf)
            Project FPS: 264 (3.78 mspf)
            Project FPS: 266 (3.75 mspf)
            Project FPS: 272 (3.67 mspf)
            Project FPS: 288 (3.47 mspf)
            Project FPS: 305 (3.27 mspf)
            Project FPS: 302 (3.31 mspf)
            Project FPS: 279 (3.58 mspf)
            Project FPS: 275 (3.63 mspf)
            Project FPS: 276 (3.62 mspf)


            Click to reveal Click to hide

            Project FPS: 131 (7.63 mspf)
            Project FPS: 148 (6.75 mspf)
            Project FPS: 147 (6.80 mspf)
            Project FPS: 145 (6.89 mspf)
            Project FPS: 131 (7.63 mspf)
            Project FPS: 114 (8.77 mspf)
            Project FPS: 120 (8.33 mspf)
            Project FPS: 133 (7.51 mspf)
            Project FPS: 137 (7.29 mspf)
            Project FPS: 144 (6.94 mspf)
            Project FPS: 149 (6.71 mspf)
            Project FPS: 146 (6.84 mspf)
            Project FPS: 138 (7.24 mspf)
            Project FPS: 148 (6.75 mspf)
            Project FPS: 151 (6.62 mspf)
            Project FPS: 141 (7.09 mspf)
            Project FPS: 141 (7.09 mspf)
            Project FPS: 141 (7.09 mspf)
            Project FPS: 142 (7.04 mspf)
            Project FPS: 144 (6.94 mspf)


            Click to reveal Click to hide

            Project FPS: 162 (6.17 mspf)
            Project FPS: 217 (4.60 mspf)
            Project FPS: 237 (4.21 mspf)
            Project FPS: 233 (4.29 mspf)
            Project FPS: 210 (4.76 mspf)
            Project FPS: 194 (5.15 mspf)
            Project FPS: 183 (5.46 mspf)
            Project FPS: 179 (5.58 mspf)
            Project FPS: 180 (5.55 mspf)
            Project FPS: 177 (5.64 mspf)
            Project FPS: 208 (4.80 mspf)
            Project FPS: 235 (4.25 mspf)
            Project FPS: 212 (4.71 mspf)
            Project FPS: 234 (4.27 mspf)
            Project FPS: 242 (4.13 mspf)
            Project FPS: 222 (4.50 mspf)
            Project FPS: 253 (3.95 mspf)
            Project FPS: 264 (3.78 mspf)
            Project FPS: 275 (3.63 mspf)
            Project FPS: 231 (4.32 mspf)
            Project FPS: 231 (4.32 mspf)
            Project FPS: 235 (4.25 mspf)


            Click to reveal Click to hide

            Project FPS: 172 (5.81 mspf)
            Project FPS: 136 (7.35 mspf)
            Project FPS: 147 (6.80 mspf)
            Project FPS: 80 (12.50 mspf)
            Project FPS: 125 (8.00 mspf)
            Project FPS: 125 (8.00 mspf)
            Project FPS: 118 (8.47 mspf)
            Project FPS: 111 (9.00 mspf)
            Project FPS: 102 (9.80 mspf)
            Project FPS: 99 (10.10 mspf)
            Project FPS: 101 (9.90 mspf)
            Project FPS: 98 (10.20 mspf)
            Project FPS: 106 (9.43 mspf)
            Project FPS: 112 (8.92 mspf)
            Project FPS: 120 (8.33 mspf)
            Project FPS: 125 (8.00 mspf)
            Project FPS: 124 (8.06 mspf)
            Project FPS: 121 (8.26 mspf)
            Project FPS: 123 (8.13 mspf)
            Project FPS: 145 (6.89 mspf)
            Project FPS: 138 (7.24 mspf)
            Project FPS: 119 (8.40 mspf)
            Project FPS: 116 (8.62 mspf)
            Project FPS: 120 (8.33 mspf)
            Project FPS: 123 (8.13 mspf)
            Project FPS: 124 (8.06 mspf)

            2️⃣ Tablet

            CPU Intel Core i7-11800H
            RAM 64 Gb
            GPU NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop; 8 Gb
            Monitor 3840 x 2160; 120 Hz
            OS Microsoft Windows 11 Professional (x64)

            Restriction — 60 Hz


            FPS: 50+
            Rarely drops to almost 40

            3️⃣ Desktop

            The most interesting device
            unfortunately now disassembled.

            I can compile a project and post it on a gaming site, offering to report what FPS someone has on what system.

              Tomcat brugh, workstation with 256gb ram and windows? Are you nuts? I wouldnt waste so much ram in windows. but ok.
              Wierd that it cant run 144 fps on max settings...

                Tomcat I got it like this (First seconds of the game)

                Thank you! fps look quite satisfactory on these powerful systems.
                On my system it starts with good fps but after I walked around eg. to the dam and back it slows down. Also at dawn when shadows get longer.
                And yes, feel free to export and let people report.

                  kuligs2 brugh, workstation with 256gb ram and windows? Are you nuts? I wouldnt waste so much ram in windows. but ok.

                  What's wrong? I'm not at the limit — the motherboard supports 1TB of memory. And the OS is in workstation version.

                  musikai fps look quite satisfactory on these powerful systems.

                  Games with a claim to good graphics should be watched on a quality large monitor. I run them on OLED TV 42". On it you can see all the flaws of graphics very well. Your work looks quite decent. I would be glad if I could achieve such graphics in my project at the first stage.

                  What you have done is most in line with what I want my project to look like from everything I have seen before. When Cat frees up my workspace I will complete the review.

                  Very minor quibbles. 😊

                  • There is an area where the ground is "broken".
                  • The concrete Würfel are "floating" in the water. From what I understand, in the real world they stand on the bottom of a river.

                    Tomcat Oh, yes, it is still a gigantic construction site.
                    broken ground doesn't sound too good. I hope you mean the North-western part where the little stream is strange and the canal ends suddenly?

                    I very glad that you like it! Thank you very much! Graphics are not very crisp and so on (just played the Road to Vostok demo, wow).

                      musikai I hope you mean the North-western part where the little stream is strange and the canal ends suddenly?


                      (just played the Road to Vostok demo, wow).

                      That's an odd title. "Vostok" is what you call the East. Looks like another attempt by Russian developers to repeat the Ukrainian "Stalker".

                        Tomcat Like in my demo where you better shouldn't go to the West :-)
                        No, actually I don't "play" these kind of shooter games any more but I downloaded the free demo from Steam to have a look at it, as the dev ported his game from Unity to Godot and it was respected as AAA-Attempt.

                        Continuing to study this beautiful work.

                        Some thoughts.

                        There is no need to include .godot folder in the archive — the engine creates it itself when importing.

                        Since this is very similar to what I'm working on, I'll say what I'm going to do differently in my project.

                          Tomcat Oh, these are some very good ideas.
                          Besides more and better people some day I would want to have interactive TableTennis- and VolleyBall-players.
                          Weather adds so much atmosphere. (And this I liked in Stalker very much)
                          If/how Seasons are possible with Terrain3d perhaps ask on Tokisan-Games discord channel.

                          How is it going with your game?

                          Thanks for the hint with the .godot-folder. For the moment I leave it included (easier for me to make backup and restore)
                          Deleting the whole .godot-folder may break the animations of the people because at the moment there are some Editor-Settings saved. (hadn't the time to fully understand the Blender to Godot animation pipeline and the Godot Animation Libraries settings.
                          Deleting the imported-folder should be save I guess.

                          From time to time I will silently update this demo.
                          Now the sky is updated to the last changes in the volumetric clouds v2 demo.
                          (These makes the daytime changes a bit smoother)
                          Was a bit of fiddly work as my sky is based on this and adds a nightsky with starts and moon to the shader that need to be integrated.

                          (And I spent some minutes with Terrain3D to make the broken West-Grounds less ugly etc.)

                            musikai How is it going with your game?

                            So far, the project is moving with difficulty and not for technical reasons. When something comes up, I'll show it here.

                            Deleting the whole .godot-folder may break the animations of the people

                            Animation should not break — there is nothing critical in this folder. Its absence only reduces the volume of the project for sharing.

                            Free software for creating trees and landscapes has become available.

                            I want to use your principle to maximize the use of ready-made developments and assets. I am going to make buildings in Sweet Home 3D.

                            From time to time I will silently update this demo.

                            I will wait and watch. 🔍

                            a month later

                            Added little VolleyBall npc girl.

                            2 months later

                            Project is updated to Godot 4.3 (and latest Terrain3D, Jolt-Physics)
                            Only had to fix the Water due to new reverse Z depth buffer technique in Godot 4.3
                            Hopefully I can bring the Table-Tennis to Life.
                            The Mini-game is already realized in UPBGE and hopefully can be ported over.

                            a month later

                            Ported the PingPong-MiniGame into this Project!
                            It still can need some fine-tuning but all in all it works well and was an easy and joyful task. Godot's Text-Editor is great!

                            ok, pingpong controls getting better. Opponent strength not too weak/strong (getting stronger every difficulty level) and Spins feel good, I think.

                            BTW: Export to Executable to test the "game". Otherwise I get stuttery performance with Editor is also running. (at least on my PC)