Nice to get some feedback!
I have already started to plan new color schemes for the enemies. I first thought the "eye colors" were enough, but obviously I was wrong.
Nice to get some feedback!
I have already started to plan new color schemes for the enemies. I first thought the "eye colors" were enough, but obviously I was wrong.
I'd like to share the new color palettes of some enemies. On the left is the old, gray color palette, and on the right is the new, more colorful palette. Do you prefer the old ones or the new ones?
Hi all!
Here is a fresh blog post about the project!
Introducing new colorful enemies and the very first background.
Happy readings!
I have finally come up with the name of the game: Enfora Star!
See the blog post the capsule image and more detailed information about the current status of the project.
But, if you are too busy to read the post, here are some samples about the new shooter enemy and the turrets!
Until next time!
Nice, it's taking shape!
The game looks like Void Scrappers by 8bitskulls quite a bit (it is made using Defold engine), the towers on our side are a nice addition.
The demo video shows enemies are very passive and seems to like playing the targets, what the challenge here ?
You may take a look at Transplant, an old Amiga PD game with rotating camera when we turn the ship.
We share a very similar game genre, at least.
The shooter enemies are actually very tough ones when they attack in packs; they surprised me a bit, actually.
Also, the challenge with basic enemies will increase when they come in numbers.
And thanks for the old Amiga game! I used to play with Amiga 1200 as a child, so this was a nostalgia hit!
Hi all!
This is a bit of a special occasion because I have just published my 10th blog post! A small milestone, but for me a very major one.
I share some thoughts on how this project is going, what failures I have had, and some future plans also, but the main thing is the showcase video of the current status of the project.
I link the video here:
If you are interested in reading more in detail, please visit my blog: 10th blog post
Stay tuned!
Congrats on the 10th blog post!
It's nice to see the progress! It's also really cool of you to share some of the challenges you faced.
Hey! Congrats on getting featured!