Hi once again!
Yet another blog post regarding the upcoming Alpha gametest! Nothing huge this time, but some thoughts about the Steam and feature progress list.
Link to the post: https://www.theaspen.blog/posts/16/
Until next time!
Hi once again!
Yet another blog post regarding the upcoming Alpha gametest! Nothing huge this time, but some thoughts about the Steam and feature progress list.
Link to the post: https://www.theaspen.blog/posts/16/
Until next time!
More updates of Alpha! See the newest blog post here:
Nevertheless, the devlog almost has a birthday! One year ago I published the very first post. Some thoughts about that in the blog too!
Thanks for the comment!
That hexagon really seems to divide people. You are not the first one who said it is a bit distracting. Maybe I could add more opacity to it and see how it plays then. The hexagon is also optional, so you can disable it from settings if you do not like it.
I also think the asteroids are too static right now. Let's see how it works out if I add more speed to the parallax layer.
I have done this in this way.
I have enabled one-shot, and when the timeout function gets called, I start the timer again.
func _on_Timer_timeout():
I just uploaded a gameplay video.
Maybe this shows current progress a bit better than just plain text and a few gifs.
I published a new blog post. Focusing on visual stuff this time.
I publish some development content on the X too, so go on check that also!
Enjoy reading, until next time!
We need more information regarding the Godot version and your computer specifications (like OS, processor etc.) to start guessing where the problem is.
Is this always been a problem or just started?
Have you tried other Godot versions, is the problem there too?
This might need a its own topic, but have you noticed that integer values changed to float types when you save them into the JSON and then load them back?
The actual value does not seems to change, but if you check the type with typeof() -function, it has been changed. At least I have encountered this kind of behaviour.
The "under-the-hood" stuff is not definitely the most exciting stuff, but still, very important indeed.
Hi all!
This is a bit of a special occasion because I have just published my 10th blog post! A small milestone, but for me a very major one.
I share some thoughts on how this project is going, what failures I have had, and some future plans also, but the main thing is the showcase video of the current status of the project.
I link the video here:
If you are interested in reading more in detail, please visit my blog: 10th blog post
Stay tuned!
We share a very similar game genre, at least.
The shooter enemies are actually very tough ones when they attack in packs; they surprised me a bit, actually.
Also, the challenge with basic enemies will increase when they come in numbers.
And thanks for the old Amiga game! I used to play with Amiga 1200 as a child, so this was a nostalgia hit!
I have finally come up with the name of the game: Enfora Star!
See the blog post the capsule image and more detailed information about the current status of the project.
But, if you are too busy to read the post, here are some samples about the new shooter enemy and the turrets!
Until next time!
Hi all!
Here is a fresh blog post about the project!
Introducing new colorful enemies and the very first background.
Happy readings!