- Edited
JusTiCe8 so far so good, it took some time to get use to it but no pb at all with all three layers
Thanks! Glad to hear you had no perceptions problems
JusTiCe8 The game is a bit tough on height maybe, it's not immediate to figure out height character can deal with or not
Oh, it's super tough in that department This is a key mechanic that needs to be learned through trial and error. In general, one ledge/tile falls are safe. Anything higher than that - use a parachute or find a safe roundabout route. The game's short loop is all about deciding fast on the best path to take at any given moment and whether to use resources (parachute/rope) to make the traversal safer/faster.
If you hadn't noticed the game has a training height indicator that can help with judging safe heights. It's off by default and can be turned on in Settings -> Deadly Height Indicator
JusTiCe8 A little tutorial/gentle first run may help with some info bubbles, kind of "beware, this time it's ok because beagles are nice but later, you'll be on your own and if you fall such height, you'll die..."
I may add a tutorial later but it's really not a type of game in which having some introductory instructions on the first level would be fitting. It's rather simple; you can move, jump, fire and use rope/parachute. That's it. The whole thing is meant to be played over and over in short sessions until one gets good. Casual gamers won't like it anyway, gentle introduction or not.
JusTiCe8 You may also be more verbose with your changelogs, as if you believe to have fix an issue whereas it's not, some users like me would be able to browse it and see when it was supposed to be fixed for instance.
Noted, although there was really no major reported issues to fix so far. The game entered the beta in quite a stable state, most of the fixes were just minor polishes and finetunes. I'm generally explicit in reporting relevant fixes.
JusTiCe8 Other than that, it's a nice little game which remind me a lot 8 bits era and less nice game like Green Beret on Asmtrad CPC
Yeah it's totally a nod to the ancient games.
As a kid I played Green Beret to no end on the ZX Spectrum. It was hard as hell. The difficulty was probably due to clunkiness because Spectrum's hardware couldn't handle a proper arcade port. Most of those 8 bit games were like that - 70% of their hardness was caused by low framerates and unresponsive controls