(tldr on bottom)
Working on a Papers Please type game in a 3D environment (Kind of, don't wanna give too much away). Have some wee basic camera turning, and now trying to see how to go about creating a passport lol.
What I want to do in the near future is use Label3D or a changeable text of some kind to change values I have planned for these front and back sprites using scripts.
The Sprites in question:
Thing is however. As far as I can see, there is no such thing as a double sided Sprite3D (Well there is, but it's just the same sprite but flipped) with no obvious option to switch it. The best I have right now is sticking two Spirte3D's onto each other, not sure if that's very optimal though . Furthermore, if I wanna change these sprites in game (Adding a "Approved" stamp for example), I may have to do weird crap with it. Alongside the fact it doesn't shine, and adding materials doesnae make it look good.
Anyway I guess what I'm trying to say is, is using Sprite3D's actually the proper way to go about this? Or will I need to put them in blender, and make models out of them to do stuff? Which honestly I'm kinda hoping to avoid since they seem and should be very simple to make on the surface besides the code part. If there's a better way than those two as well, then I'd love to hear it! Thanks in advance. :3
Tldr: Making a Papers Please like game. Trying to make a passport with two Sprite3Ds, and not sure if it'll work out due to materials and changing sprites. And should I make models out of them instead? Or do another thing?