Tomcat What is the difference between Gitea and Forgejo? Except that the latter doesn't have a Win version.
What are some good Gitea manuals out there?
Honestly i just use them "git-servers" on a very surface level. Create repo, commit, push, sometimes banch out and merge. I dont use any of them fancy features. Just from my personal experience, gitlab was a drag to maintain, you need to update it constantly becasue they often break inter-version migrations, so you need to upgrade often or if you upgrade later then in sequence, wich is a drag. Also gitlab used up 4gb of ram at minimum. I had other services that had to be run, so the ram space was something that i considered.
Migration between gitlab-gitea, was doable but using some shady scripts. But a messy thing.
One thing on gitea i couldn't get working (lack of knowledge i guess, even tho i did exactly just the way others did from tutorials/documentation) was to get ssh working. Cloning and pushing via ssh instead of https.
On gitlab everything was working out of the box.
Overall gitea covers all my needs for foreseeable future. Ofc keep backups and backups of backups.
Gitea the one i run, runs in docker, so the data it generates is easily manageable/movable.
Gitbal was a whole VM, and data was all over the place so backing up was not something i did because i didnt want to sift through docs and learn more linux stuff just to copy data...
And that forge thing seems like i will have to switch once again đ. Thanks for the info. Forge is free while gitea is under the umbrella corps.