d2clon Or are we just defensively counterattacking to what is no more than a personal opinion?
It looks to me like a very uninformed, fairly belligerent opinion, which usually prompts me to respond with disdain. The comment about the author fixing everything really made me roll my eyes.
- Uncertain console support
This quote is really all you need to know:
In all, supporting consoles properly is very costly and beyond the possibilities of Godot as a project to do so.
If consoles are really your target, not just a pie-in-the-sky goal, you should probably look elsewhere. Free software cannot, by definition, address that.
Does the author have a point regarding the use of nonoptimized structures in the core code? If so, is this the signal of an un-optimal code review politic, or maybe the lack of experienced developers taking care of code review?
There are other explanations. A data structure might be used because it makes things easier when supporting different platforms.
Or it might be used because no one has actually demonstrated that changing it would make a significant difference. It's easy to say that you should always use this or that, but if you don't show actual tests under realistic conditions, it's just an opinion.
It might even be used because it's a major change, and the people with the most experience are busy fighting fires at the moment, and they don't have time to do something that might cause even more.
You might also consider that these explanations are valid.
Is it true there is no clear road map for the project?
I've never encountered a piece of software that actually stuck to their projected schedule. That includes software with dozens of paid programmers. A road map for a project built by thousands of volunteers with different agendas would be guesswork at best. Anyone could produce that for you.
Godot has a very uncertain future. So what? Unity's not looking all that steady these days either. The difference is, I've got the godot codebase on my computer. If all the godot contributors beamed up to Alpha Centauri tomorrow, I could keep using godot, legally, indefinitely. That calms any trepidations I might have.
...the trend of criticising other engines, and other companies’ strategies, and entire software patterns is… noticeable
In the sense of: "defend our way in an unquestionable way"
That's not how I interpreted the quote, but ok. What "way" do you think we're defending? Free software? It's not a defense to say that this is how volunteer projects work; it's just a statement of fact.
Is it true there is not a clear group of experienced people making the main project decisions? and that is only the leader (Juan) making all the decisions? Is it true the leader is not friendly with delegating?
You could look at the links on the godotengine.org site to answer this, unless you don't believe them. If that's the case, why would you believe anyone here? The project developers don't generally hang out here, so what other information are you hoping for?
The main project decisions are made by people with the authority to accept pull requests to the godot github. Whatever politics may be involved, it really boils down to that. If you make a change and submit a pull request, it might be accepted, even if it never occurred to any of the core developers.
Godot is just a collection of software, and the developers are just people who added to it. The actual software development is not as organized as a company, and you're going to be disappointed if you try to think of it like that.
Is it true that Godot 4 can't be considered production-ready? (it is a personal opinion of course, but we can honestly reflect on this point)
Production ready for what? You've already read people say that 4.1 isn't stable, and you should stick with 3.x. You've heard people say that you'll never make a AAA game with godot. Then again, someone might manage it any day now, for all I know.
The only person whose opinion you should trust on that would be someone who's actually made a popular game of the type you're interested in making, with godot. That's likely to be a small set of people, who probably have better things to do than hang out on the forum.
If I was paranoid and didn't trust your stated motivation, I'd guess that either you were looking for someone to trash godot with you (not likely). Or you were padding your post count (meh). Or you wanted someone to show you a golden road to getting the problems you have with the engine fixed. (As far as I know, it doesn't exist.) Fortunately, I'm not that paranoid. 🙂