I'm glad most of you are having an easy time with 4.x.
In my own defense, I'm probably a little older than the average godot'er. I had a part-time job keypunching when I was in school -- that's punching holes in hollerith cards, in this case. At that time, my advisors recommended cobol classes, because cobol will never die.
I retired over ten years ago, and haven't been doing much with anything tougher than lua and python. I got into love2d years ago, but had some issues with it, so I started playing with godot. It took me three years to get comfortable with godot 3.x, and by then 4.0 was out. I kept trying to figure it out, but eventually I just gave up and went back to love2d, which I picked up again immediately. (Well, it hasn't changed much in a decade.)
Unfortunately, love2d still has issues, so after a few months I started looking at my old godot projects, and tried converting them to 4.x again. This time, I'm doing a lot better, though I'm still not up to speed.
I don't remember exactly what was defeating me a year ago, but it was mostly api issues. I'm afraid to touch 3.x now. Maybe it's like learning a new keymap, and going back for a week will set your learning back ten weeks.