Awfy The goal is to make a difficult game, yes, but I do want to have some sort of balance between difficulty and fun
I understand that balancing the difficult properly on this game may be super challenging.
Awfy The fact that you had to stop at level 7 kinda torn me
You have to understand that, even if I am a hobbyist indie dev, I don't play many games. This one in particular has a very specific target, which I am not, "precision platformer" is called?. For example, I haven't played Celeste, I haven't even tried it , because I know I'm going to suck at it
So please, don't get my playtest session as a meter for the difficult of the game.
The fact I got stuck in the 7 level is actually a good thing. It makes me go out of the keyboard with a sweet frustration sensation, and with a willingness to come back with renovated energy, to try again .
Awfy but I'll only be able to do that if I have more playtesters (which is currently a bit of a problem for me)
Let's change that, I'll approach you by DM here
Awfy 'd love it if you could play the full version once it is out.
Buff, of course
Awfy The line will also insert "points" which show when you jumped and rolled, etc.
I see you are working on improving the line/path view. I am sure you will manage to make it as appealing as the rest of the aesthetics
You have a good game in your hands. It is now just a matter of building nice appealing levels and properly balancing the difficulty ramp.