Would a Pong demo help? There are several in the Asset library.

Those games all had precomputed movement. Maybe that would work for you too?

Hey, since you want control over the object you can try using a Rigid body with isKinematic set to true for a ball that bounces off of surfaces, to predict the end position of the ball after the bounce you can use a kinematic equation with variables such as:

  • launch angle.
  • initial velocity
  • final velocity
  • initial position
  • final position

Here's a tutorial on how to do this

In my experience, the in-house physics implementation of the game engines works well for implementing real physics (golf, angry birds, ...). But from an arcade point of view (and I include platformers here) it is better to implement your own physics logic. It is predictable, customizable, and deterministic. And the last one is super important to obtain the desired behavior.

So I would use a CharacterBody2D and make a Gravity, Impulse, ... implementation.

GDQuest have a nice video about 2D Platformer, the video is outdated and they use KinematicBody2D, you should replace this for CharacterBody2D

Another option is to use a Path2D for the trajectory, a PathFollow2D for a target position, and a CharacterBody2D that follows the target position.

I am anticipating that you may want to play with the velocity of the PathFollow2D to simulate increase/decrease of speed.