xyz I don't think that's the case. <…> One of the manifestations of such helplessness it the belief that "everything has been invented".
Why think when there are facts? In literature, there are only six plots that move from story to story. Over 2K years. Have many notes or color combinations been invented in the last few hundred years? New compositions in painting? Nothing can be invented in theory. The only thing that can be invented is to compose what has already been invented — to find new combinations, and here AI has a huge advantage, stupidly because of its better ability to brute force (picking and choosing).
We just live in a civilizational climate saturated with frivolous self-obsession, trite communication and loss of personal power. This causes widespread learned helplessness.
This does happen. But this is very dangerous reasoning. The question arises: who creates and maintains such a climate — who has access to the media, the artistic community (engineers of human souls) — Cui prodest? I would not say that such a question is close to politics. It just breaks into it. It's strange to hear you say that.
There is an area in which the human mind is not just stronger than AI, but has an absolute advantage. It's science. Hypotheses and theories cannot yet be artificially created. But to realize this, people need to be learning all the time. I see, who doesn't need smart people?
My game is about this — social simulation and management of society, the role of the individual in history. “Alternative to The Sims” I say that not to go into a long explanation, especially since outwardly it will look similar.