Phantasy Star v, A SEQUEL to the Genesis/Megadrive game.
what is your dream game?
kuligs2 Drinking alcohol is considered haram
Beer is the oldest invention of mankind. So 10K years of human history is all about crime? Those who try to ban beer should be banned.
Game devving is just a hobby. I have a day job.
Day job is a huge drag on learning and creating games.
xyz Why are "dream games" always amalgamations of already existing games?
This doesn't just apply to games. Everything has already been invented. Human creativity is not much different from AI “creativity” — the same compilation.
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Tomcat Everything has already been invented
I don't think that's the case. We just live in a civilizational climate saturated with frivolous self-obsession, trite communication and loss of personal power. This causes widespread learned helplessness. One of the manifestations of such helplessness it the belief that "everything has been invented".
numbers are infinite, but that doesn't necessarily make them all relevant. the application of them is very finite (I'm talking googolplex(s) of data, hawking level decay timeframes, after that point you literally can just start recounting.... whatever was being counted is completely erased into photonic energy) .
Just like thoughts, What CAN be created, pretty much HAS been. What can be thought of, pretty much has been. It is a fluid development that connects thought and application. Limits of our reality, prevent development of the speculative. Innovations is typically created from need. Just like counting, if there is no application of the number, it really is only proven in theory, but still can be proven.
Until a need is created, a niche isn't created, and advancement stagnates. i am not saying there is no room for innovation, but the bounding need for progression is the fundamental catalyst.
The people on this forum are part of a small group of society that is actually driven, intelligent, and creative enough to fill a niche we have found in the network of creation. Id assume the most innovative game anyone could create has been "thought of before", but no one has made it more than a theory.
The amount of free time we have discovered is a fairly new concept for life. Gaming is one thing filling that niche of free time ("new numbers").
xyz I don't think that's the case. <…> One of the manifestations of such helplessness it the belief that "everything has been invented".
Why think when there are facts? In literature, there are only six plots that move from story to story. Over 2K years. Have many notes or color combinations been invented in the last few hundred years? New compositions in painting? Nothing can be invented in theory. The only thing that can be invented is to compose what has already been invented — to find new combinations, and here AI has a huge advantage, stupidly because of its better ability to brute force (picking and choosing).
We just live in a civilizational climate saturated with frivolous self-obsession, trite communication and loss of personal power. This causes widespread learned helplessness.
This does happen. But this is very dangerous reasoning. The question arises: who creates and maintains such a climate — who has access to the media, the artistic community (engineers of human souls) — Cui prodest? I would not say that such a question is close to politics. It just breaks into it. It's strange to hear you say that.
There is an area in which the human mind is not just stronger than AI, but has an absolute advantage. It's science. Hypotheses and theories cannot yet be artificially created. But to realize this, people need to be learning all the time. I see, who doesn't need smart people?
My game is about this — social simulation and management of society, the role of the individual in history. “Alternative to The Sims” I say that not to go into a long explanation, especially since outwardly it will look similar.
How about an open world full of npcs with actual artificial intelligent. That's never been done before.
But really that's my dream game, to live in the world where you have the power to undo/redo what you've done and see the different outcome.
Back to reality though, it's a contra-like shooter game I'm trying to finish hehe.
Gowydot But really that's my dream game, to live in the world where you have the power to undo/redo what you've done and see the different outcome.
That's it! Create a game that wanted to live in. I thought that would never be said. Fortunately, I was wrong. Maybe people aren't as hopeless as I thought.
I wanted to make a game where everyone would be happy, but sadly I didn't know how.
@kuligs2 @Tomcat
I (half jokingly) meant actual ai with self awareness since it hasn't been created yet.
But then I thought about it, it would just be like playing multi player simulation/game isn't it lol (eg. 2nd life). So I thought well, maybe playing a game with/against "superior ai" for better challenge...but again, it would just win/outdo me everytime so...(this is where my thought went off track beyond this thread and I won't bored you guys with it)
Then my thought came back and conclude that we just want to create "fun" game. What is fun for us individually is whatever we have experienced playing. We want to re-live that experience because we already know it makes us happy.
Right now if you were to actually try to "invent" new game it would just end up be a bunch of older games+real life elements mash up together anyway. So if @GodotBeliever want to make everyone (at least in this thread) happy he/she would need to create a game with all our dream game elements from this post
But it doesn't mean this is it you can't invent anything now. I believe as we gain more knowledge in the future (in anything) we will gain more 'creativity' and something of a new invention maybe created. (For example if we were to learn how inside of the blackhole works and use that for our advancement or, for us, a new type of game based on it.
Gowydot After reading your article, the game I want to make is clearer. This is a game in a dream, no matter what kind of mood people are in (maybe angry, sad), no matter what kind of things they are experiencing, as long as they play this game, they will be happy, maybe it is a healing game.
I'd love to make a modern Spore with more fleshed out stages, more focus on flora, animal classes and just more mechanics inspired by real life biology. It was my favourite game as a kid and I still like it today, but there's so much potential in the "evolution of life" concept that the game only scraped the surface of.
I had a lot of ideas when I was younger, now I wonder where they all go. I wanted to make a sorcerery game where you cast spells, dodge other spells, find ways to counter spells and so on. Like those Harry Potter games.
gocat I had a lot of ideas when I was younger, now I wonder where they all go. I wanted to make a sorcerery game where you cast spells, dodge other spells, find ways to counter spells and so on. Like those Harry Potter games.
I recently played Hogwarts Legacy. I was a nice change to use spells instead of swords or rifles etc. And they way they realized the combat using spells only was surprisingly good. But the highlight was really the beautiful world, especially for someone who likes that harry potter stuff with all the creatures etc. in that universe. Awww, wish I could erase my memory and start over.
Have you tried to make such game you are describing?