I'm hoping to create a debug camera that allows me to see the automatic mesh LOD in 4.x, but as it is applied relative to a main camera, i.e. Camera 1 is used to determine mesh lod, Camera 2 views this mesh LOD.

As far as I can tell, currently the Mesh Lod is controlled per viewport/camera, and so adding a new Camera/Viewport means it gets its own Mesh Lod for it's view.

While I primarily am interested for debugging purposes, I can imagine this being useful for certain DoF cinematic shots where you may want an object in the distance (but centre of focus) to have the highest LOD, while close/far objects that are blurred could be decimated.

Am I missing something? or should I raise a feature request.


    Only thing is this is relative to the camera on that viewport. I want to see the mesh lod relative the camera position on a different view-port. For example imagine a static overhead camera, that shows the mesh lod changes relative to a player moving around beneath it.

    I guess you can look at the godot source and find the equation that sets the mesh lod for the camera. Then you can use that on the second camera/viewport to simulate what's in the first camera/viewport.

    EDIT: Wait that wouldn't work. Cause it's relative to the camera position, not the mesh position.