• CommunityForum
  • The forums are up again! Migration to new forum platform

The forum "mirror" is up: https://tmptesting.godotforums.randommomentania.com/
(It is not a true mirror and instead is a snapshot of the forums from 20-40 minutes ago - it also will not update as new posts are made)

It is a completely standalone instance. Right now it just uses the default Flarum theme but I am working on a new theme. I do not have anything to share yet though as I only just started. I am building it off the OXO theme, which is what we are using now.

The forum "mirror" is a read-only forum though - it is not intended for posting and is really just to get feedback on the forum theme. In the future, I may make it possible to post for testing plugins, but for now it is read only for everyone but forum staff.

I'll make an update here when I have the first draft of the new forum theme ready for the first view 🙂

I just noticed a misspelled sub-forum name: Job Offerring

I don't understand. How?


Yeah, the notification number has been weird for me for a while. It was -1, not it is 3 (even though all are read).

I feel like this is better than Discourse that I asked back then 🤗

It is better than DIscourse. Never understood why everyone likes that so much.

7 days later

I miss two things from the previous platform: categories/subforums (whatever you call them) and reactions on past posts seem to have gone missing

There are still categories, but they are called tags. Look on the left of the home screen.

Tomcat Is there any way to make auto-refresh on the main page

Not as far as I know, but there is that refresh button on the top right of the content area.

    Megalomaniak but there is that refresh button on the top right of the content area.

    Well, it needs to be clicked… manually…

    Kids are so spoiled these days. 😛

      duane Kids are so spoiled these days.

      It's the other way around. The young ones are active, hot, fussy. It's not a problem for them to make any extra moves. With age sometimes comes wisdom and an understanding of the value of time.

      DaveTheCoder If you use Firefox, there are add-ons such as Tab Reloader that do that.

      Firefox… what is it? I have Pale Moon. 😆 It has a sites check for changes, but that, in this case, is not very handy. And simply reloading an individual tab — I couldn't find such an addon.

      F5 is about to be wiped out. 😩

      Another possible problem is that sites may consider a third-party attempt to refresh a page as a dos-attack. This has been happening.

      Tomcat please flag the posts and then we can deal with it from there.

      Thank you for reporting! I handled the linked post 🙂