I've been looking around but it seems there are no games made just to simulate the experience of relaxing on a lazy river

    I don't like big games on my phone. I play free cell and that's about it. I do play more on my tablet, but nothing that comes close to that size. To me, those games should be low poly, or low res, and space conscious, but to each his own. That's why having a large number of entrants is the best.

    Erich_L I've been looking around but it seems there are no games made just to simulate the experience of relaxing on a lazy river

    This game was relaxing.

      cybereality I was thinking more in terms of an inner tube + water physics + nice scenery. I only need one move, a kick button to kick away from other fat guys on inner tubes.

      Even though I do like the idea of owning a house,I have to agree with what cybereality said about buying a house in these times. I generally don't like the idea of getting a loan from banks in general. Also, how did we end up in an environment, where it's profitable to horde houses and then sell them an incredibly expensive prices? That doesn't make sense to me but, I admittedly don't know much about the subject.

        Audiobellum Also, how did we end up in an environment, where it's profitable to horde houses and then sell them an incredibly expensive prices?

        Because there are buyers willing to compete on price/outbid. Inevitably there will be a crash. Apparently nothing was learned from 2008 and it's business as usual.

          Megalomaniak Buying a house right now would be like buying a house in 2007. Really bad timing.

          A californian moved into my state, cut down our oldest tree because "it was getting leaves everywhere", and is now pricing everybody out of their houses without so much as repaving the 25 year old driveway. I have feelings about landlords. Especially the californian ones.

          Cutting down a tree without permission can result in a hefty fine here ...

          In case the tree poses a danger, maybe because it is so old that it may damage something, one has to inform the municipal administration and they will then organise something.

          DST about to be abolished in the EU.

          Interesting, it was introduced because there was a problem with energy (hence the name). But is has never been proven that the effect of saving was actually achieved, apart from miniscule 0.x percent here and there.

          Now it is being sacked because ... there's a problem with energy ?

          Anyway and whatever, good riddance and ciao:

          Not 100% serious :-)

            Pixophir DST about to be abolished in the EU.

            Finally. What a pointless thing. Good riddance.

            Isn't there an effort to make it all-year in the U.S.? That's beyond pointless.

            You'll have a bunch of women complaining that their kids are waiting for the bus in the dark and they won't do it. Happens every so often in the US.

            @cybereality I changed the CSS and now it should use less screen space on screens with aspect ratios larger than 16/9 with horizontal screen resolutions of 2000+. Unfortunately, I do not have a different sized screen so I am not 100% sure it works. I used the following CSS override:

            /* Use less space on aspect ratios larger than 16/9 */
            @media screen and (min-aspect-ratio: 17/10) and (min-width: 2000) {
                .container {
                    width: 60%;

            If you have a chance, can you let me know if it looks better now on your 21:9 display?

              Well, they can always shift school hours, instead of half a world ...

              TwistedTwigleg If you have a chance, can you let me know if it looks better now on your 21:9 display?

              No, it doesn't work. I think you forgot to specify pixels.

              min-width: 2000px

                My scene isn’t reloading properly, can anybody help?

                I implied a win/lose system based on a tutorial I watched on YouTube and it should give the player the ability toe reloading the level after failure. However, the reloading feature doesn’t seem to work probably. Even though the scene reloads, the player still all the weapons and ammo they’ve picked; that doesn’t make sense to me since the player’s health reloaded probably. Also, I haven’t even implemented a save system yet; I’m confused!

                I never had this problem before when I followed the tutorial in question but, that’s probably because I wasn’t following the tutorial “properly” back then. Back then, I refused to signals use auto-loaded to manage the game with signals as the tutorial instructed.
                Instead, what I did was add a screen to the top node in the level and then managed the whole level with that one script. If I wanted to transfer info from place to another, I’d just use “owner” a lot. When I did things my way; everything was just fine.

                However, what inspired me to disobey the tutorial was pure laziness; I didn’t want to learn about using signals with code. So when the opportunity presented itself, I followed the tutorial “properly” as much as possible and that’s when the problem I describe manifested.

                Perhaps I made some sort of mistake following the tutorial or perhaps it’s a problem with the version of Godot I’m using now (3.5); there is also the possibility that the tutorial just wasn’t made for a game as complicated as mine. Here is the code I use for reloading the scene:

                func _input(event):
                	if Input.is_action_just_pressed("reload") and ( win == true or lose == true):

                Here is a link to the tutorial I was following:

                Now I’m not in a rush to fix this problem, because I’ve other issues with my game that I’m trying to sort out. However, this is a huge problem for me and I don’t even know how to fix. Could anyone give me some help?


                  I've not checked the tutorial or anything, but first thing I would try is

                  according to the docs, this should ...

                  Returns @GlobalScope.OK on success, @GlobalScope.ERR_UNCONFIGURED if no current_scene was defined yet, @GlobalScope.ERR_CANT_OPEN if current_scene cannot be loaded into a PackedScene, or @GlobalScope.ERR_CANT_CREATE if the scene cannot be instantiated.

                  Though printing it might just be an enum or something idk. Might help in understanding the cause at least.