Cool. I just bought We Happy Few. Didn't realize it was the same devs that made Contrast, that was a really good game. I guess the art style looked strange, I thought it was something else. Looks good.

We had to read 1984 in school (English first foreign language).

If you're after classic dystopian movies and things, I'd also recommend:

  • A Clockwork Orange (1971)
  • Soilent Green (1973 ?)
  • The Time Machine (1960 movie)
  • Metropolis (1927)
    I find Metropolis a MUST. Try to get a copy of the long version found several years ago in Argentina.

Possibly many more I don't have in mind right now. All can be cheap DVDs, they're not exactly HD. But I guarantee that all of the above will leave a lasting impression.

Also some movies on that same line, Brazil and THX 1138.

    That would be cool to do an escape an oppressive government game with some branches ending up in mind conditioning and some where you find a way out. That would take a pretty good size budget, though. Some of your coworkers disappear and come back conditioned.

    packrat It's a tragedy that Dishonored is not mentioned once.

    I never liked Dishonoured. It struck me as a wholly mediocre, forgettable game that was not deserving of the wild hype it got. I swear I even completed it, but I couldn't name a single character or tell you what the plot was.

    "You can overlook the lack of compelling story if you've got Bioshock-esque powers with Deus Ex-esque level design" I hear you cry. Not when both of the aforementioned provided equally if not more compelling gameplay and level design 5+ years earlier, with BioShock Infinite laying this game to rest within a year of its release.

    tldr; Elizabeth was single-handedly more impressive than anything in Dishonoured.... imo.

      Dishonored was pretty good for me. Can't remember the story, but you had lots of powers, and they included rats. Graphics had an original art design too, I found it enjoyable and on the same level as Bioshock and Half-Life 2, just with a less interesting story.

      duane Human nature being what it is, some people collected most of the property and used it to control the rest of us.

      It would be good to make a game that shows how politicians manipulate people. The closest thing to such a concept was at one time The Sims Medieval, which was not developed, although it had many fans.

      Yup, the game is about politics and of politics. The project that I propose could eventually develop into something like this. Of course, I won't do something like that on my own. It will only happen if a qualified, interested group comes together.

      Well, if I can't do it, maybe someone else will take over and implement the idea.

      cybereality Probably too far into politics, but everyone should read 1984, if you haven't read it recently.

      Are there any translations of Russian anti-utopias like Voinovich's "Moscow 2042" or Zamyatin's "Us""We"?

      Here's a little easter egg from Bonelab.

      I couldn't push the desk though. 🙁

      Looks like Zamyatin book came out here as "We". I just bought it ($0.99 since I guess it is public domain). Moscow 2042 doesn't look like it was ever translated or reprinted. But We looks really good, I will read that next. Thanks.

        cybereality Looks like Zamyatin book came out here as "We".

        Yeah, that's a better translation.

        There are too many connotations in 2042 that only people who lived in the Soviet Union can understand. Even Russians will not understand much now, let alone foreigners.

        Deus Ex and Bioshock didn't have the ability to sprint and base jump off rooftops, teleport behind a squad of guards, slit one dude's neck, stop time, fire a crossbow, place a spring razor on it (because time's not moving), and resume time for the bolt to take out the last 4 gaurds who are 10 yards away with one rigged crossbow bolt. All without making a single sound, but only if you know what you're doing and the whole maneuver only takes 3 seconds. The reason I keep playing it again
        The story was shot in the knees. They tried zero exposition that was cool at the time, but there was too much fiction to explain nothing.

        1 post was split to LB2.

        Change to my model to smooth shading. I didn't like flat shading the more I worked with it. Some of the premade furniture I have, I'll have to redo like the couch.

        I don't want to start a project because I don't have a very good track record of finishing anything. I'm just going to try to animate and do a resident evil camera and motion system right now.

        Ladies and gentlemen, I have a numpad again. I never knew what I had until it turned around back into my life. Take a moment to appreciate your numpads.

          packrat Take a moment to appreciate your numpads.

          I have never compromised on this. If there is no numpad then it's barely usable.

          Numpads are great, especially for 3D work (like in Blender). Now I always look for keyboards that have them or buy an external one (in theory - haven’t needed one yet, but… 🤔)

          Sorry, I can't stand numpads. Mostly because of the ergonomics. They make the keyboard too wide, which means the home key of your left hand and the resting mouse position are eschew. It messed with my back. I only use compact keyboards, that way my arms are symmetrical.

            cybereality I get what you mean, but I fidget a ton when I'm typing for a while. Any sense of proper posture isn't important to me so long my neck doesn't hurt or crook. And I'm allowed to type standing up when I feel like it (like right now). My elementary school typing teacher would embalm my still living body from the gallows if she saw my habits got worse with time.