Tomcat A house of one's own is reliable. (Unless, of course, a rocket flies in and ruins it.) The landlord, at any time, can change the rules of renting, or he may need it himself.
That's true if you actually own the house and the land (like if you build a house yourself). But the vast majority of people don't have that kind of money. Where I live, even a "cheap" house costs $700,000. So what happens is people take out a loan, and pay it off over 30 years. But you don't actually own the house, the bank does. And it's not really cheaper than renting once you take into account the interest rate over time, and also that you still have to pay taxes every month. Depending on the value of the house, the taxes themselves could be several hundred dollars, or even a thousand dollars a month for a nice house. Which is not cheaper than renting, you are in debt forever, and plus the cost of maintenance (if the water pipe breaks, leaks on the roof, etc.) which you have to pay out of pocket. It's a scam.