[Help] Pokemon-style Tile Movement Animation Issue in Godot 4.3

I'm following a Godot 3.4 tutorial for Pokemon-style tile-based movement, but experiencing animation issues in Godot 4.3. When my character moves, only the first frame of each walk animation plays during tile movement instead of the full animation sequence.

My setup uses AnimationPlayer and BlendSpace2D nodes in an animation tree. The movement script works, but I suspect the issue lies in either the AnimationPlayer or AnimationTree configuration.



Node ScreenShots:

I'm new to both Godot and programming, so please let me know if you need any additional information!

Guaiwu changed the title to [Help] Pokemon-style Tile Movement Animation Issue in Godot 4.3 .

Update: [Still Requesting Assistance!]
After looking through the script, I initially thought that the problem was since anim_state.travel("walk_animation") was in func _physics_process(delta): it was being re-traveled to everytime the function was being updated thereby replaying the animation for every frame during the interpolation thus the effect of being stuck on the first frame of the animation, BUT I tested it after modifying it to if percent_moved_to_next_tile == 0.0: anim_state.travel("walk_animation") so that it only traveled to the walk_animation state at the beginning of interpolation, the issue was still present. I am still currently dumbfounded at what could be the issue.

Update: [Still Requesting Assistance!]
After adding -

var current_state = anim_state.get_current_node()
    var blend_pos = anim_tree.get("parameters/walk_animation/blend_position")
    print("Current State: ", current_state,
          " | Blend Position: ", blend_pos,
          " | Movement Progress: ", percent_moved_to_next_tile)

-under the move(func) and the blend positions are good through out the entirity of the movement, so would this be something to do with how my AnimationTree is set up then? These are my settings for each transition:

Update: I solved it, had something to do with the inspector settings. I literally don't understand what went wrong, I literally just deleted the AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree and started from scratch, did the same exact thing, and it worked...