UnitedCatdom can you explain more?
For me it works fine
I have a script:
extends Control
@onready var mouse_motion: Label = $Debug/VBoxContainer/MouseMotion
var timer = Timer.new()
func _input(event):
if event is InputEventMouseMotion:
mouse_motion.text = "Mouse_motion = true"
func _ready() -> void:
timer.wait_time = 1.0
func on_timer_timeout():
mouse_motion.text = "Mouse_motion = false"
When i move mouse it sets text to true, after i stop moving, timer starts, after 1 sec it sets text to false, if i tab out the window, mouse is not capture no more and if i tab in and move mouse the func _input()
gets triggered again. All the clicking i need to do is to click the game window to make it active again and move my mouse.