Game freezes when enemies change state
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xyz I was trying to do this and then found out that if I delete the AnimatedSprite2D of the pickup or delete the sprites of the enemies, the freezing goes away. Maybe the issue is from animation instead of enemies changing state, but that doesn't explain why it only happens when there's two different enemies and a pickup, unless the issue is that the file sizes are too big and the engine chugs trying to animate them, but I don't think I'm even at the scale where that's possible yet, especially with only two enemies.
If I delete the SpriteFrames resource from the pickup and keep the textures of both enemies, the game still freezes. If I delete the texture of one enemy and the SpriteFrames of the pickup or delete both enemies' textures and keep the SpriteFrames, it doesn't. I also tried deleting the player's texture and that also fixed the freezing.
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Camp It doesn't matter what does what. If you want to get it looked at and the project is too big, first try to delete the .godot, if still too big delete all scenes except the relevant one, if still too big resize all the images to 1/16th of their size, or smaller. The point is to reduce the size of the project for posting.