- Edited
Hello Everyone. As I get closer to 1.0 I'm trying to clean up everything I find. I have a crap load of these parser flags that don't really mean much, or they do and I missed the boat. I've consulted with AI on this one in particular, and connecting the signal to a dummy function didn't make it go away either. Does anyone have a take on these?
W 0:00:02:0175 The signal "online" is declared but never explicitly used in the class.
<GDScript Source>binary.gd:3
extends Node
signal online
signal all_nodes_initialized
@onready var nodes_to_initialize = [
var initialized_nodes = {}
var nodes_connected = false
func _ready():
var timer = Timer.new()
timer.wait_time = 0.5 # Adjust the delay as needed
timer.one_shot = true
timer.connect("timeout", Callable(self, "_emit_online_signal"))
func _emit_online_signal():
emit_signal("online", self.name)
func _initialize_nodes():
print("Initializing nodes")
for path in nodes_to_initialize:
var node = get_node(path)
if node:
node.connect("online", Callable(self, "_on_node_online"))
print("Node not found: " + path)
func _on_node_online(node_name):
print("Node online: " + node_name)
initialized_nodes[node_name] = true
if len(initialized_nodes) == len(nodes_to_initialize):
print("All nodes initialized")