xyz what about if i use "EditorSettings" ?
Would it work to save the values in "editor inspector" to " EditorSettings " ?
Is this code good to use ? The main problem here is that it would be a lot easier to save the entire "instance"
extends EditorPlugin
var some_value: String = "Default Value"
func _enter_tree():
func _exit_tree():
func _load_value():
some_value = EditorSettings.get_setting("my_plugin/some_value", some_value)
func _save_value():
EditorSettings.set_setting("my_plugin/some_value", some_value)
- "EditorInspectorPlugin" instantiates a scene called inspector
- that scene has an "item list node" and also lots of "spinBox" nodes. The items in itemList also have a name.
- it would be less confusing to save the entire scene, instead of saving 1 var individually.
Is there an option to save the entire scene instead of just one var ?
main problem is apart from all the spinBox nodes, i dont know how to save the "itemList" it has names the user can change, and i have to run a forLoop to get the list to the same size than it was before.